Speak nicely and see the best in others

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Speak nicely and see the best in others When we gossip, complain, or criticize we bring our own energy down. We close our hearts. We make ourselves less magnetic to our good. We deactivate the happiness advantage. We end up giving our energy, focus, and attention to what we do not want instead of what […]

Working the drive through window

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Working the drive through window Imagine that you are working the drive through window. As the car is about to leave, you reach out through the window and grab on to the car. How’s this going to turn out for you? You’ll probably break a few ribs as you are pulled through the window and […]

The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open

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The Jail Cell Door is Wide Open I watched something interesting today. I observed a person stay really committed to her upset for over two hours. There were so many opportunities for her to leave her upset and she just kept retreating back into it. We were in a really positive, happy, and joyful environment […]

Manifesting Mediocrity

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Manifesting Mediocrity I often hear people say things like, “I want to become a more powerful manifestor.” Everyone is already a powerful manifestor. It is just that many people are busy manifesting mediocrity. Many people are also busy manifesting opportunities to learn the same lesson over and over rather than actually learning that lesson. Our […]

New Year’s Edition

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Happy New Year! So, it is the start of 2016 – lots of optimism, excitement, dreams, goals, and plans for 2016 to be better than 2015. Now, here’s the key question: How are we going to do that? For things to change we have to change. If we keep doing what we have been doing, […]

Seeing Miracles

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Seeing Miracles Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Life is much more enjoyable and gratifying when we readily recognize and are grateful for the miracles that are going on around us on a […]

Beware of the equal sign

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Beware of the equal sign We often insert equal signs into our thinking that don’t belong there. For example, one person I worked with had it that quitting smoking would automatically make her business better, her marriage stronger, and her life happier. There’s no connection between those things and stopping smoking. But, that line of […]

Confounding Joy

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Confounding Joy I am installing hardwood floors in our house. As part of the prep work, I had my daughter write words like: love, joy, kindness, fun, caring, laughter, happy, etc. all over the sub floor. She wrote at least 200 words on the floor. That way we will be standing on good energy. I […]

Unbridled Joy

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Unbridled Joy We went to Water World  and rode water rides for about 7 hours. When my daughter is excited, she talks. She jabbered for about 7 hours straight yesterday. It is quite obvious that her capacity to experience excitement and joy is much higher than mine. I had fun. She had more fun. This […]

Getting Clear About Who We Really Are

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Getting Clear About Who We Really Are What if you were truly made to be awesome! (YOU WERE!!!) Go forth and be awesome!!! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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