The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity

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The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity There is such a horrible lie of scarcity in our culture and in our world that does so much damage! The lie goes something like this: there’s only a limited amount so the more that I have, the less there is for others. This puts us into the bind […]

Remembering that we do have a choice

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Remembering that we do have a choice Sabine, her friend, and I drove for 3.5 hours this morning to ski at Sunlight (near Glenwood Springs, CO). 2 hours into our ski day, Sabine’s friend crashed and hurt her knee. Our ski day was over. My initial response was irritation and disappointment. I wanted to ski! […]

Look at me look at me

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Look at me look at me I watched a little March Madness basketball this afternoon. Baylor got upset by Yale. Based on a very small amount of data, Baylor seems to be a group of individuals who are more concerned about looking good and individual accomplishments than a team interested in winning. I saw a […]

Closing our hearts does not help

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Closing our hearts does not help Sabine’s friend hurt her knee while we were skiing yesterday. However, when we were in the first aid building it looked like Sabine was in worse pain. Ron, the ski patrol guy, was joking around and keeping it light while he did his thing. I was joking around. Sabine’s […]

The richest man

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The richest man I saw this quote today. “The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.” unknown What do we need to be happy? It is so easy to fall into the “I’ll be happy when _______ is different” trap. This makes our happiness dependent on external […]

Greatest gift

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Greatest gift One of the greatest gifts we can give others is encouragement. Who have you uplifted, encouraged, or inspired today? Who are you going to do that for tomorrow? If you aren’t doing that for others, there is going to be a sense of something missing in your life. We are designed to contribute […]

But what will they think?

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But what will they think? Because we don’t fully love, accept, and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, we worry about what other people think of us. However, this puts us into a damned if we do and damned if we don’t position. No matter what we do or do not do, some people […]

Like and Love

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Like and Love People tend to do a lot of talking about what they do not like. If we pay attention, we will notice that every time we do this, our hearts close a little bit (or a lot). The consequences of our hearts closing are: lethargy, unhappiness, irritability, being uncentered, and being less magnetic […]

The Power of “Of Course”

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The Power of “Of Course” Talking to yourself using “of course” is a great way to upgrade your self-image and recondition your brain for greater success. Of course people want to work with me / join my business. Of course I can achieve that goal. Of course I do great work at am great at […]

What does history have to do with anything?

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What does history have to do with anything? Before the Super Bowl, I was mostly just hoping that the game would be close. As a life-long Broncos fan, I have watched my team get blown out 5 times (including the debacle of 2 years ago). Super Bowl 12: Dallas Cowboys 27 Broncos 10 Super Bowl […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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