A boy named Johnny

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A boy named Johnny When we try to understand people from a logical perspective, we often end up just scratching our heads in bewilderment. Emotion, non-conscious programming, and head trash are what typically guides behavior – not logic. Take the case of Johnny Manziel. (He’s an NFL quarterback, first round draft choice, Heisman trophy winner, […]

What does history have to do with anything?

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What does history have to do with anything? Before the Super Bowl, I was mostly just hoping that the game would be close. As a life-long Broncos fan, I have watched my team get blown out 5 times (including the debacle of 2 years ago). Super Bowl 12: Dallas Cowboys 27 Broncos 10 Super Bowl […]

Legal rights and self-condemnation

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Legal rights and self-condemnation Imagine that we have to go get a permit anytime we want to change ourselves and that the permitting process happens court room style. So there we are in court submitting our proposal to do better in business and then the prosecutor pulls out this long list of times and dates […]

Credo upgrade

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Credo upgrade Many people are living from a very uninspiring credo: I am a small fish. This shows up with repetitive thoughts like: Who am I to be successful? Who am I to be truly happy? Who am I to be a leader? Who am I to be wealthy? Who am I to excel? Who […]

100 hash mark game

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100 hash mark game I invite you to play a game with me on Monday. Get a small piece of paper and carry it with you. Every time you say something positive to yourself (with emotion and enthusiasm) make a hash mark on the card. Aim for having at least 100 hash marks by the […]

Two Pitchers

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Two Pitchers We are always pouring into others. Imagine that you have a pitcher in each hand. One is filled with pure delicious cold clear refreshing water. The other is filled with warm cloudy polluted water. Which pitcher are you pouring into the people you interact with? Which pitcher are you pouring into yourself? Much […]

Speak nicely and see the best in others

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Speak nicely and see the best in others When we gossip, complain, or criticize we bring our own energy down. We close our hearts. We make ourselves less magnetic to our good. We deactivate the happiness advantage. We end up giving our energy, focus, and attention to what we do not want instead of what […]


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Confidence People often suffer from a lack of confidence and want to become more confident. The “how to” for that is pretty straight forward. 1. Quit destroying your confidence with negative self-talk. You cannot call yourself a loser idiot and then feel more confident. Instead, replace that negative self-talk with positive self-talk. “I’m a talented […]

Calling Out the Liar

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Calling Out the Liar Say out loud, “I am enough.” Then notice if there’s a part of you that doesn’t believe this. That part of you is a liar because you are enough! You were enough yesterday. You are enough today. And, you will be enough tomorrow. Try this out and see what you notice: […]

800 Pound Squirrel

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800 Pound Squirrel When fear, worry, anxiety, hurt, etc. show up and we refuse to experience them and instead we close our hearts by trying to push it away or pretend it isn’t there – what happens is that the negative energy compresses into a tight little ball, like an acorn, and it gets stored […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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