Obligation and False Obligations

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photo credit: marcoverch <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/149561324@N03/30137876628">Person hält Karton mit dem Wort FREEDOM. Verlangen nach Freiheit</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">(license)</a>Obligation and False Obligations
We often manufacture a sense of obligation. This then has us be trapped and not have freedom of choice. We cannot do what we want or what would be best for us because we owe someone.
However, most of the time, these obligations are not real. They only exist in our heads. We don’t owe them anything.
Here are a few ways that I’ve seen this over the years:
  • Cannot leave a lousy job because we owe the company for hiring us in the first place.
  • Cannot leave a lousy relationship because we owe them from our relationship history.
  • He or she likes me therefore I’m obligated to date them.
  • People expect me to be a certain way, so I must be that way.
  • They asked me to help, so I have to help.
Whenever we manufacture these false obligations, we suffer, and our freedom gets curtailed. That’s a high price to pay!
If you have a genuine obligation, then fulfill it. But otherwise, examine your so-called obligations and see if they really are obligations or if they are something you made up. And if so, free yourself from those false obligations.

Much Love,


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