Unfolding Perfectly

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Unfolding Perfectly Being in Alaska has given me several opportunities to reflect on my life and how it has perfectly unfolded. Looking back, I can see those forks in the road where if I had turned a different direction, my life would look very different than it does now. Laura, who took us on a […]


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Adjustments “Fishing like life is a series of adjustments.” ~ Kurt Jacobson That’s what my friend, Kurt, said to me this morning as we were standing in the Kenai River. I had caught a few and was also having lots of action. Meanwhile Kurt, who is undoubtedly a more skilled fisherman than I am, had […]

Intend and love what is

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Intend and love what is I’m salmon fishing on the Kenai River in Alaska. My intention is to catch a lot of fish. And then we also have to deal with what life brings us. Sometimes there aren’t many fish moving up river. Sometimes fish get away. I’ve fished many more hours today than I […]

Insight into action

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Insight into action We can have insight all day long but if we don’t put it into action. . . The more volume of action we have, the more chances we have to hit home runs. Even the great creative geniuses were a volume play. Inventor, Thomas Edison, accumulated 2,332 patents worldwide for his inventions. […]

(dis) R…E…S…P…E…C…T

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(dis) R…E…S…P…E…C…T  There are two flavors of upset: you hurt my feelings and you dissed me ~ disrespected, dishonored, disapproved, discounted, disregarded, devalued, wasted my time, disloyal. This Dose addresses being dissed. Being dissed usually creates resentment and anger. It can also easily lead to a decrease of action and a “why bother” attitude. We […]

Excited Disappointed Bored

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Excited Disappointed Bored Reluctance to get excited ~ A condition that occurs because we have had experiences of being really excited about something. Then it doesn’t happen and we end up being horribly disappointed. Then we decide that it is too risky to get excited again. If we don’t look at this too closely, it […]

It isn’t about choosing between hard and easy

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It isn’t about choosing between hard and easy Because people typically look at things from a very short term view point, they often think that the choice is between hard and easy. And then, people are inclined to choose easy. But when we expand that view point, we see that the choice is between hard […]

Gateway to success

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Gateway to success We can only be as successful as our thoughts and beliefs will allow. Good thing we can upgrade our thoughts and beliefs. Much Love,  Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who […]

Already Good

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Already Good What would be the impact on our lives if we truly realized that we are already doing good? What if we actually gave ourselves full credit for what we have already accomplished, the millions of successes we have already had, and how good our lives already are? What if we let go of […]

Circus expectations

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Circus expectations We saw Toruk by Cirque Du Soleil this evening. Toruk trades the breathtaking acrobatics of every other Cirque Du Soleil performance that I’ve seen for breathtaking special effects and set design. Toruk was almost like a play with some acrobatics thrown in. Based on my previous experiences, it was not at all what […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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