Really it is okay to ask for help The ultimate piece of head trash is “I’m not enough”. And so often this prevents people from asking for assistance. I plays out like this: I should be able to do this on my own. If I was enough I surely would be able to. So if […]
What would I do if I didn’t drink?
What would I do if I didn’t drink? So often in our thinking we are pushing against what we do not want rather than moving towards what we do want. And this strategy simply does not work. There’s a famous NLP (neuro linguistic programming) story about an alcoholic who kept wondering why she drank. She […]
Never present always guilty
Never present always guilty Does this sound familiar ~ doing one thing but feeling guilty that you should be doing something else? For instance, you might be spending time with the family but feel guilty that you are not working. Then you start working and feel guilty that you aren’t spending time with the family. […]
Feeding the wrong wolf
Feeding the wrong wolf I talked to several people today who were feeding the wrong wolf. They were busily and repeatedly reinforcing stories of frustration, unworthiness, tiredness, and limitation. This can never ever create a better life and destroys happiness. What wolf? The wolf of Cherokee legend. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about […]
Little fish in a big ocean grows up Because of head trash (like not worthy, not ready, success stuff, money stuff and other junk) people often think of themselves as a small fish in a big ocean. “Who am I to be successful? Who am I to be a rock star in my industry? Etc.” […]
Can and will
Self-taught by an idiot
Professional Over-Accommodating
Professional Over-Accommodating When people don’t own their value, they tend to over accommodate. Imagine calling your doctor for an appointment and then the doc saying something like – you are on the north side of town right so there’s a coffee shop that is about half way between us. Why don’t we meet there? That’s […]