Extending the life of your willpower battery

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Extending the life of your willpower battery Will power is a very useful thing (statement of the obvious there). However, willpower works like a battery. When we use some there is less left until we recharge. Think of a flashlight. When the battery is weak, very little light is produced. When the battery is dead, […]


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Independence Many years ago, the Colonies didn’t like the rules of the British Empire. So they fought for their freedom and today we celebrate that independence. What old, out dated, and oppressive internal rules would you like to be free from? ~ Scarcity, I’m not enough, and other limiting beliefs. And take that one step […]

Relaxed Conversations

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Relaxed Conversations I spoke at the Financially Fit Females meeting tonight. I didn’t speak at them, I had a relaxed conversation with them that created a tremendous amount of value (based on the feedback, not my ego). Reflecting on this afterwards, I concluded that the vast majority of situations we find ourselves in will go […]

Hello world!

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The hard way

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The hard way I can get into my house by balancing a ladder on top of the picnic table and then climbing through a 2nd story window. I can get into my house by tunneling in through the basement wall. I can get into my house by parachuting onto the roof and then cutting through into […]

Dull Saw ~ Sharp Saw

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Dull Saw ~ Sharp Saw Abraham Lincoln said something along the lines of – If I had an hour to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first 30-minutes sharpening my axe. I was working on a landscaping project today, cutting flagstone with a wet saw. Over time, the saw started cutting slower and slower. […]

Personal Growth Sing Along

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Personal Growth Sing Along Take a trip back to childhood with me. “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands . . . “ There’s actually some pretty cool cognitive stuff happening here. The songs says that if I’m happy and I know it I should clap my hands. Then what happens next […]

Prescription for enjoying life

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Prescription for enjoying life One of the keys to enjoying life is to always have a goal in the near future to look forward to – and then allowing yourself to feel excited about that goal. This does not need to be something huge. It could be looking forward to watching the sunset, going on […]

Who says we have to listen?

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Who says we have to listen? People share their opinions with us all the time and so often for some reason, we think we have to listen, value their opinions, and take their advice to heart. We don’t. I had 3 separate discussions with people today who were suffering tremendously because of what other people […]

The Day My Life Changed

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The Day My Life Changed If you want to be in good physical shape, you must put in your workout time. There’s no way around this. If you want to be in good mental, emotional, or spiritual shape, you must put in your workout time. There’s no way around this. I can look back to […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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