I suck at this

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I suck at this  Note: the title of this dose is not a statement of identity – “I suck”, it is a statement about performance or skill level – “I suck at this”. There are a lot of things that people suck at – communicating, relationship, follow up, managing money, creating money, and many more. […]

Do your part and that’s enough

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Do your part and that’s enough Sabine and I were walking to the store earlier today. We walked past a guy who was watering the sidewalk in front of his brownstone (I don’t know why). I said, “Hi” and he just stared. Then I said, “thanks for not watering us” and he just gave me […]

Reaching out when we don’t want to

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Reaching out when we don’t want to So often we don’t reach out for support at those very times that we need it the most. When this happens, we are believing some lousy story in our heads – things like: I don’t want to be an inconvenience, it would be embarrassing if people knew what […]

Minnows, Whales, and Books

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Minnows, Whales, and Books When we hang around minnows we stay small. When we hang around whales we grow. A great success strategy is to be around and be influenced by world class performers – people who see bigger possibility, more opportunity, more abundance, more solutions, know things we don’t, have greater kindness, and the […]

Feeding the wrong wolf

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Feeding the wrong wolf  I talked to several people today who were feeding the wrong wolf. They were busily and repeatedly reinforcing stories of frustration, unworthiness, tiredness, and limitation. This can never ever create a better life and destroys happiness. What wolf? The wolf of Cherokee legend. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about […]

Path of least resistance

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Path of least resistance  The path of least resistance seldom, if ever, takes us where we want to go. It is always going to be easier to not exercise than it is to exercise, to not make the phone calls than to make the phone calls, to avoid the difficult conversation rather than have them, […]

Sooner or later you have to actually go out for a run

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Sooner or later you have to actually go out for a run I can do all kinds of research on running – best shoes, best training strategies, biographies of great runners, pre and post run nutrition . . . And none of this is an adequate substitute for actually lacing up my shoes and going for […]

Acting in my own best interest

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Acting in my own best interest Say out loud, “It is okay to act in my own best interest.” Notice whether that feels true or not. Many people have some head trash that makes it difficult to act in their own best interest. This could be lack of self-worth, deferring and trading our needs and […]

Value of one push up

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Value of one push up One push up. Does it really matter? By itself, one pushup is insignificant. It isn’t going to change our bodies. But we cannot have a lot of pushups without a bunch of individual insignificant pushups. So, maybe one pushup isn’t so insignificant after all. Each one matters. Each one we […]

Forgiving Ourselves

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Forgiving Ourselves Nobody wakes up in the morning and sets out to sabotage themselves, make mistakes, or make poor decisions. But all those things are part of being human. They happen whether we like it or not. So making peace with this is very important. Even more important is having the grace to forgive ourselves. […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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