Just one little step

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Just one little step  No matter how far we get knocked off track, no matter how much momentum we’ve lost, no matter how disengaged we’ve become, no matter when or where we dropped the ball . . . All it takes is one little step to re-engage, to start the ball rolling again. Much Love, […]

Discomfort = the price of your ticket

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Discomfort = the price of your ticket  Average performers run away from discomfort. Above average performers take action in the face of discomfort. So, for most people, the work to be done is to start to embrace discomfort – to start to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If mediocrity is the goal then we don’t […]

Thinking about action

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Thinking about action  When we are sitting around thinking about being in action, then Providence is thinking about possibly sending us some assistance too. When we are in action, then Providence moves too. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit […]

Time Machine

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Time Machine  If I had a time machine, there are a lot of things that I would go back in time and do differently – a choice I made, the way I treated someone, actions I took or did not take . . . But undoubtedly, over time, I’d look back at some of those […]

Pursuing Joy

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Pursuing Joy  Pursuing joy in making phone calls. Pursuing joy in cleaning the kitchen. Pursuing joy in taking the kid to the dentist. Pursuing joy . . . We can pursue joy anywhere we go and in anything we do. We can also turn all those things into chores and then suffer our way through […]

A bad idea

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A bad idea  Sales training teaches us that if we make a prospect feel stupid, they probably are not going to buy from us. We can do this by using jargon, big words, acronyms, by making things unnecessarily complicated, by acting superior . . . That seems like a good strategy to apply everywhere in […]

Emotional creatures

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Emotional creatures  We are emotional creatures, not logical creatures. Our emotions run the show. Last week was a weird food week. Nothing tasted good or was filling. I ate more and more often than usual. And, I ate less healthy than usual. My thoughts about getting back on track and my attempts to use will […]

Flip that switch

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Flip that switch  I see this fairly regularly: A person thinks, “I need a break.” Then their actions start to become very ineffective, things keep falling apart, setbacks keep occurring, etc. They end up getting the break they said they needed but not the rest and recharge because they are flailing around in ineffective action. […]

What in the world have we agreed to?

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What in the world have we agreed to?  Imagine that a kid makes a mistake and then mom or dad gets really mad. At that moment, the kid could create an agreement along the lines of “I’ll be perfect from now on and in exchange, you will never get mad at me again (because that […]

Self-Care ~ luxury or necessity

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Self-Care ~ luxury or necessity  So often when people get busy or stressed, the first thing they drop is self-care. This is a mistake. When they do this, they are looking at the cost (time) rather than the benefits. Self-care (exercise, prayer, meditation, personal growth time, relaxation, social connection, etc.) can produce stress relief, stronger […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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