trump card

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trump card  When we get together with my mom, we play cards. (A note about cards: a lot of games have trump. This means that for that hand, the trump suit is more powerful than the other three suits. So, a lowly 2 in trump would beat an ace in another suit.) It is very […]

The sun shines equally

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The sun shines equally  Imagine standing outside next to Bill Gates, or Oprah, or Tony Robbins, or the top money earner in your company, or . . . Does the sun shine on that person more than it does on you? Is he or she somehow worthy of more sunlight than you? No! The sun […]

I approve of me

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I approve of me  Say out loud, “I approve of me.” For most people this is going to bring up some resistance – reasons why not to approve of themselves. If that’s the case for you, here’s a great homework assignment: Get in front of a mirror and then gaze into your own eyes. Really […]

Celebration and satisfaction

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Celebration and satisfaction If we don’t celebrate ourselves, our lives, and our success then how can we hope to experience joy, happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction? p.s. The Cure for Procrastination on May 24 Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would […]

Procrastination and overwhelm

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Procrastination and overwhelm  Oftentimes the first step in dealing with procrastination and overwhelm is self-forgiveness. When we procrastinate and or get overwhelmed, we are not bad or wrong or defective. We are merely human. But people treat themselves like they are bad, wrong, or defective. Once we forgive ourselves, we allow ourselves to be human […]

Greater Heights

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Greater Heights  The lie in mass consciousness is that we can beat ourselves to greater heights. Somehow, we got stuck with the idea that negative self talk and the like will spur us on to better performance. However, that idea is total crap. We can go into the laboratory and prove that beating up on […]

Forgiveness of Self

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Forgiveness of Self  Is there anything that you haven’t forgiven yourself for doing (or not doing)? If we are honest with ourselves – most likely there are some areas of unforgiveness. If we cannot forgive ourselves, then on some level we are saying that we are bad and wrong. If we are bad and wrong […]

Do they even notice?

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Do they even notice?   So often we get all caught up in worrying about what other people will think. Yet the truth is that they are not thinking about us nearly as often as we imagine they are. One week before our recent cruise, my daughter shaved her head as a fundraiser for childhood […]

Advertising ~ The enemy of self-worth

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Advertising ~ The enemy of self-worth  We are under attack by a subtle force that destroys confidence, well-being, and self-worth. That subtle force is advertising. How many billboards, magazine ads, TV commercials, and banner ads do you see in a day? How many have you seen in your life? Almost all of them are saying […]

No one is bad and wrong

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No one is bad and wrong  I recently worked with a person who had been told by many people (both professionals and non-professionals) that he is bad and wrong. He had a couple of negative labels “gifted” to him – you are an “X” and a “Y”. What do you think this did for his […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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