People Like Me

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We often have some head trash that goes something like ~ People like me don’t get rich. People like me don’t drive luxury automobiles. People like me don’t sell. People like me don’t get ahead. People like me don’t succeed in this business. Etc etc etc . . . We use this “people like me” […]

Don’t always trust your feelings

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There are definitely times we shouldn’t trust our feelings or our thoughts. I got rear ended today on the way to pick my daughter up from school. (I’m okay.) Once I got home and was able to just sit still for a minute, I immediately felt a huge wave of sadness. If I hadn’t been […]

Warped Luxury of Negative Self Talk

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If you want to believe in yourself and be more confident, you cannot afford the warped luxury of negative self talk. It is impossible to believe in yourself when you are calling yourself a “loser” (and worse). Negative self talk is just a habit. Habits can be changed! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]

It is okay for me to get rich while doing good???

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It is okay for me to get rich while doing good. What happened when you read that sentence? For a lot of people, that sentence pressed some buttons – total head trash buttons. Which means that things are totally backwards. That is the way we should become rich – by doing good, contributing to others, […]

Using Emotions To Grow Yourself

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Emotions mean that something is important to us. By simply getting curious about “what here is important to me” when we are experiencing a negative emotion, we can already begin to diffuse a negative emotion. We move out of reactive consciousness and into witness or observer consciousness. We can then also learn about ourselves and […]

If You Are There, You Have Value To Offer

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Most people don’t fully own their value. (And, this can also be a layers of the onion type of thing where we own our value up to a certain point.) This can be quite costly since we get paid on the value we own! A great strategy in those situations where we aren’t fully owning […]

You Can Lead A Horse To Water . . .

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I end up talking to clients about this all the time ~ it is impossible to be responsible for another person’s happiness, success, feelings, etc. These are things that we cannot possibly control. Any and every time that we try to be responsible for another person will inevitably end up in suffering. However, there are […]

Out of Control Optimism

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Optimism is a good thing. But when optimism becomes mandatory, when people have it that there is no other option but to be optimistic, optimism can cause real problems. There is a fine line between optimism and delusion. When we have to be optimistic, we cannot see what we need to see. We cannot see […]

Loved and Lovable

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Say out loud, “I am loved” and, “I am lovable” and notice how they feel. If these two statements do not feel 100% true, you have some important work to do in the personal growth gym. If you have head trash about being loved then it is harder for others to contribute to you. If […]

The Currency of Attention

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What would happen to your finances is you spent a lot of money every day on garbage that you do not even want? It wouldn’t be good. What happens to your life when you spend a lot of your attention on garbage that you do not even want? It isn’t good. Much Love, Jonathan I […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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