Even Though . . .

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Even Though . . . Even though statements are a great tool to allow our brains to shift gears and to get ourselves out of a rut. Over the weekend I was experiencing some “friction” with someone. Every time I used an even though (Even though this is going on, I choose to be happy.), […]

Weather the Storm

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I talked to a client today who has some really intense personal stuff going on. So we talked about how to manage her mind with regards to this rather than focusing on her business. One of the things we talked about was to be kind to herself during this stressful time – and do what […]

Thomas Jefferson is giving me a hard time

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Thomas Jefferson is giving me a hard time (To understand this Daily Dose, you need to know that we saw the musical, Hamilton, on our recent trip to NY. It is the life history of Alexander Hamilton and it is amazing!!!) Imagine that you ran into Lin-Manuel Miranda, the guy who plays Hamilton, and asked […]

These Things Really Do Work

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These Things Really Do Work I ran into a friend tonight at a holiday party. I hadn’t seen him in years. He told me a great story. A few years ago he was in a rough place. A stranger was deliberately nice to him. After pondering this, he decided that he would commit to doing […]

Trying to use logic in an emotional landscape

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Trying to use logic in an emotional landscape Logic is not what runs things – no matter how much we’d like to think so. If logic ran things, corporate America would treat people differently. If logic ran things, we’d never have that bowl of ice cream before bed. If logic ran things, I’d behave differently […]

Seeing Miracles

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Seeing Miracles Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Life is much more enjoyable and gratifying when we readily recognize and are grateful for the miracles that are going on around us on a […]


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I DID MY JOB!!!!! I have realized that I can do my job and experience the satisfaction that comes from doing my job – independent of the outcome. When I set the stage for someone to have a great experience, I have done my job. Whether or not they have the great experience is their […]

Tell better lies

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Tell better lies Sometimes when people start talking kinder to themselves, start talking about what is possible for them, or start selling themselves on how amazing they actually are – they encounter some resistance. I’ve heard many people say that it feels like they are lying to themselves. Here’s the deal with that: We are […]

Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life

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Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life “Well I’ve eaten so I’m done with that for life.” That would be a pretty silly thing to say. But often times we think that way about prospecting and getting people in our pipelines – “Gosh I should be done with that.” Actually, filling our […]

Sort of open for business

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Sort of open for business I was working with a client today. She said, “I’m almost ready . . .” NO NO NO. If you tell the waiter that you are almost ready to order, no food is headed your way. If you tell God that you are almost ready to launch, no coincidences, aide, […]

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