Feeding the wrong wolf

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Feeding the wrong wolf  I talked to several people today who were feeding the wrong wolf. They were busily and repeatedly reinforcing stories of frustration, unworthiness, tiredness, and limitation. This can never ever create a better life and destroys happiness. What wolf? The wolf of Cherokee legend. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about […]

If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it

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If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it  My email service decided to revamp their platform. Wednesday evening when I went to send out my Daily Dose, I couldn’t even figure out how to do it. And since there was no advance warning of the changes, I was taken by surprise. It took 30 minutes with […]

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Little fish in a big ocean grows up  Because of head trash (like not worthy, not ready, success stuff, money stuff and other junk) people often think of themselves as a small fish in a big ocean. “Who am I to be successful? Who am I to be a rock star in my industry? Etc.” […]


Can and will

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Can and will  Of course change can happen but will it happen to me? Of course improvement can happen but will it happen to me? Of course transformation can happen but will it happen to me? Of course miracles can happen but will they happen to me? Many of us need to make the jump […]

Self-taught by an idiot

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Self-taught by an idiot  We all sell. You might or might not officially sell in your career but when we interact with others, we are often selling. Where should we go for dinner tonight? = sales As a kid – do you want to play at recess? = sales Would you help me with this? […]

Professional Over-Accommodating

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Professional Over-Accommodating  When people don’t own their value, they tend to over accommodate. Imagine calling your doctor for an appointment and then the doc saying something like – you are on the north side of town right so there’s a coffee shop that is about half way between us. Why don’t we meet there? That’s […]

3 days of rain

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3 days of rain  Imagine thinking that it is 100% certain that it will rain today because it has rained the last 3 days. Imagine thinking that it is 100% certain that it will be over 90 today because it has been for the last week. We wouldn’t be certain because we know that the […]

Extending the life of your willpower battery

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Extending the life of your willpower battery Will power is a very useful thing (statement of the obvious there). However, willpower works like a battery. When we use some there is less left until we recharge. Think of a flashlight. When the battery is weak, very little light is produced. When the battery is dead, […]

Waterslide Thinking

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Waterslide Thinking Once we start down a waterslide, we don’t have to do much to get to the end. It just takes us there. That’s what slippery slopes do. This is a pretty good analogy for thought paths. Once we start, it is pretty easy to end up where that thought takes us. If it […]

Fuel in the gas tank

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Fuel in the gas tank After a break, I’ve resumed getting up at 5:30 for an hour in the personal growth gym before my conference call at 6:30. But, I haven’t started going to bed any earlier. Then this morning I was in meetings from 7:00 – 12:30. I skipped my morning shake and just had coffee. When I […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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