Scariest haunted house ever

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Scariest haunted house ever   The scariest haunted house ever would just be a bunch of mirrors that would reflect our need for approval in all the different areas in our lives. Then it would show us just how much this is costing us – whether that be in dollars, peace of mind, momentum, quality of […]

Can you weather the storm?

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Can you weather the storm? I was asked today, “How do you get over a failed business?” I was also recently asked, “How do you get over a shattered life?” Life is going to bring us all kinds of storms ~ rejection, setbacks, illnesses, unexpected developments, bad luck, failed relationships, failed business endeavors, plans that […]

What do you think?

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What do you think?  How can you ever get wealthy if you think like a poor person? How can you ever get in shape if you think like an out of shape person? How can you ever get happy if you think like an unhappy person? How can you ever be a creator if you […]

Minnows, Whales, and Books

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Minnows, Whales, and Books When we hang around minnows we stay small. When we hang around whales we grow. A great success strategy is to be around and be influenced by world class performers – people who see bigger possibility, more opportunity, more abundance, more solutions, know things we don’t, have greater kindness, and the […]

How to make sure that you do not win

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How to make sure that you do not win  Is the personal growth gym (reading, visualization, affirmations, audios, letting go of limitations and other head trash, expanding possibility, introspection, etc.) part of your daily life? If not, how in the world do you expect thing to change for the better? There’s no chance. There is […]

The straight path, the winding path

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The straight path, the winding path  This morning I had an appointment in an area of town that I was not familiar with so I used my GPS to get me there. I left it on for the drive home. The whole drive home, the GPS kept doing its job trying to get me back […]

Really it is okay to ask for help

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Really it is okay to ask for help  The ultimate piece of head trash is “I’m not enough”. And so often this prevents people from asking for assistance. I plays out like this: I should be able to do this on my own. If I was enough I surely would be able to. So if […]

What would I do if I didn’t drink?

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What would I do if I didn’t drink?  So often in our thinking we are pushing against what we do not want rather than moving towards what we do want. And this strategy simply does not work. There’s a famous NLP (neuro linguistic programming) story about an alcoholic who kept wondering why she drank. She […]

Never present always guilty

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Never present always guilty  Does this sound familiar ~ doing one thing but feeling guilty that you should be doing something else? For instance, you might be spending time with the family but feel guilty that you are not working. Then you start working and feel guilty that you aren’t spending time with the family. […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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