Dr Jonathan’s Miracle Elixir Back in the olden days, there were traveling snake oil salesmen who would pull their wagon into town and start selling their miracle elixir. The miracle elixir was guaranteed to cure all kinds of things ~ removes warts, cures baldness, good for upset stomachs, and on and on. Of course, these […]
Your Own Best Friend
When Optimism Becomes Dangerous
Optimism is a great thing and . . . optimism combined with insanity, doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result, produces delusion which is not a great thing. I have an acquaintance who is living in delusion. He’s very optimistic that his business is about to turn the corner and […]
Huge Favor – Forgive
Want to do yourself a huge favor? Choose right now to forgive someone that you do not think you can forgive. Choose to free yourself from this tremendous burden you have been carrying around. It is time to set yourself free – do it for your own happiness, your own quality of life. Forgiving does […]
Resistance or Relief
Overwhelm almost always has us shut down. The secret to dealing with overwhelm is to break things down into smaller pieces. When you come up with an action step that produces a feeling of relief rather than resistance, you know you have broken it down far enough. It does not matter how small that piece […]
One Small Thought
It Is Your Fault Daddy
The distinction responsible for vs responsible to is so important to understand if you ever do anything like interact with other people, have a significant other, have kids, or have a network marketing business. It is impossible to be responsible for another person. No matter how much we want to, we cannot control their thoughts, […]
Free From The Good Opinion of Others
Years ago, I was listening to a Wayne Dyer program on cassette tape (that tells you how long ago this was). At one point he mentioned the 3 qualities of a self-actualized individual. I don’t remember what 2 of the 3 qualities are but I will always remember the impact the 3rd quality had on […]
Play More to Earn More
People often think that they have to work more and harder in order to become more successful. And then usually, the fun gets squashed out of it. Once we start working from that not fun place, some pretty serious consequences arise: productivity decreases, creativity decreases, inspiration decreases, energy needed to get started increases, effectiveness decreases, […]