1 Year Anniversary December 4, 2014

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December 4th, is a pretty big deal for me. The Daily Dose of Jonathan is one year old.  I’m clear that writing is one of the things I am supposed to be doing here on planet earth. But before I started my daily email, I was not writing on a regular basis. Now I am. […]

Emotional Inventory

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I changed my razor blade the other day and – oh my gosh! – My face almost shaved itself. It was so easy and fast. Because it happens in such little increments, I didn’t realize just how dull the blade had become. This is a pretty good metaphor for life. Lots of little things happen […]

Peace of Mind Strategy

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Do you want more peace of mind? If so, remember that others are not good or bad ~ depending on how they align with your opinions, values, and world view. They are just different. I often tell myself, “not good or bad, just different!” and I feel myself relax and let go. Much love, Jonathan […]

Personal Algebra

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Let’s hop into our time machine and go back to high school algebra ~ 24 + X = 47. Since we know 2 of the values, it is easy (depending on your affinity for math) to figure out the 3rd value, the unknown: X = 23. Who says algebra was useless? We can apply this […]

It Was Working So Well I Stopped Doing It

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Imagine getting into really good shape and then stopping your workouts because you are already in shape. That would be pretty ridiculous. And yet, people do this all the time in other areas of their lives. Things are working so well that they stop doing the things that got them there in the first place. […]

Blind Spots

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I met a client for coffee this morning at Panera Bread and I had a flash back to the first time I was in a Panera. I wanted to get a glass of water. So, I was looking for the little lever (usually located under the lemonade) on the soda dispenser that would give me […]

Don’t Be Rude

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When we coach, advise, or point something out to someone without first asking for his or her permission to do so, we are being rude. And, our communication probably will not land well. Most likely it will be met with resistance. Ask permission first. Much love, Jonathan Know someone else who would enjoy a daily […]

Evidence That It Is Working

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We search for evidence that supports our beliefs and viewpoints all day long. And, we ignore inconvenient evidence that conflicts with our beliefs and viewpoints. Here’s a great example: I asked a client what was going well. She excitedly replied that she had gotten a new client earlier that day and that it was super […]

Sooner Or Later, You Have To Climb That Cliff

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Imagine that you are hiking up a mountain and that the path runs into a cliff that you need to climb. But, that cliff looks scary. So, you decide to take a little break, drink some water, and eat a granola bar. You walk back over to the cliff but it still looks scary. So, […]

We Can Do Better Than That

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There’s a group of people that I play doubles volleyball with. Partners are determined by the order in which people show up. So, we end up playing with different people all the time. Vlad and I have a history of playing really poorly together. We have been on the wrong end of quite a few […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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