More Than Expected

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More Than Expected Which of these is more accurate for you: I habitually get more than expected. Or, I habitually get less than expected. If it is the latter, might I suggest some work in the personal growth gym to upgrade that belief? Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that […]

Choosing the lesser pain

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Choosing the lesser pain When I was in high school, I went on a rafting trip. As usually happens, we stopped at a spot where there was a cliff and a deep section of the river. My friend, Rod, and I decided to go jump but when we got to the edge of the cliff […]

Definitions of Success

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Definitions of Success Most people’s definition of success – somewhere other than where I am right now. A much more useful definition – I am already a success and am simply aiming at creating greater success. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and […]

Scary & Exciting

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Scary & Exciting If we label something “scary” then we will be inclined to run from it. If we label something “exciting” we will want to run to it. Then there is scary and exciting. Think about a haunted house. We go to these because we are excited to be scared. So, when you are […]

Straightening Out Your Life

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Straightening Out Your Life Getting “right” with money is one of the most positively impactful things we can do for ourselves. There is so much head trash and general weirdness around money – and this tends to impact every area of our lives. Not sure where to do your personal growth work??? Upgrading attitudes, beliefs, […]

Unbridled Joy

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Unbridled Joy We went to Water World  and rode water rides for about 7 hours. When my daughter is excited, she talks. She jabbered for about 7 hours straight yesterday. It is quite obvious that her capacity to experience excitement and joy is much higher than mine. I had fun. She had more fun. This […]

How do you truly feel about your income?

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How do you feel about your income? Most people’s immediate response to this question is something along the lines of – it is not enough or it should be more. They feel bad. This automatically puts us into scarcity consciousness, stress, anxiety, pressure, tension, and worry. It can bring up shame and guilt. None of […]

Super Obvious Advice

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Super Obvious Advice If you want to be more confident, stop doing things that destroy your confidence. Negative self talk: There is no way you can call yourself a loser and a minute later feel more confident. Focusing on what you did not get done: When you focus on what you did not get done […]

Compensation and Value

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Compensation and Value We are compensated to the extent that we own our value. And, most people have some work to do on owning their value and seeing what value they bring to the world. Also, sometimes we don’t recognize the true value of our gifts and talents. They are invisible to us like water […]

There is always an agenda being fulfilled.

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There is always an agenda being fulfilled. It is important to remember that there is always an agenda being fulfilled. Even when it seems like we are not getting what we want or that our lives are headed in the wrong direction, there is still an agenda that is being fulfilled. Oftentimes this other agenda […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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