Money Stories

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Money Stories Money does not have any stories about you. However, we tend to have lots of stories about money – many of which are not very useful. Money is perfectly ready to come to us. We just need to upgrade our stories about money. How do you do that? Effort over time – getting […]

Hard Work and Resistance

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Hard Work and Resistance Hard work on top of resistance does not move you forward. It just leaves you frustrated and tired. That is why it is so vitally important to frequent the personal growth gym and let go of those limiting beliefs and other forms of resistance. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]

More Than Expected

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More Than Expected Which of these is more accurate for you: I habitually get more than expected. Or, I habitually get less than expected. If it is the latter, might I suggest some work in the personal growth gym to upgrade that belief? Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that […]

The Day My Life Changed

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The Day My Life Changed If you want to be in good physical shape, you must put in your workout time. There’s no way around this. If you want to be in good mental, emotional, or spiritual shape, you must put in your workout time. There’s no way around this. I can look back to […]

Hope and the Way

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In many ways, I see the work that I do as restoring hope to people that things can indeed be different and then showing them the path to create this. Hope: Yes, things can be different – radically different. When we change our beliefs, expectations, and mindset then what is possible for us changes too. […]

Using Emotions To Grow Yourself

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Emotions mean that something is important to us. By simply getting curious about “what here is important to me” when we are experiencing a negative emotion, we can already begin to diffuse a negative emotion. We move out of reactive consciousness and into witness or observer consciousness. We can then also learn about ourselves and […]

Repressed Worry

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Most people have quite a bit of repressed worry. People in general have a habit of worrying. Some of it you might be aware of and some of it is pushed pretty deep into the shadows. I invite you to be really honest and vulnerable with yourself and feel that worry ~ worry that: The […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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