Expectations Often Come From Limitations

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When we stop and examine our expectations, we often find that they are more limitations than expectations. We expect that we cannot hit that number because we haven’t hit it before – but what if we can! We expect that it has to take a long time – but what if it doesn’t! We expect […]

What If ~ The World’s Most-Easy-To-Use Personal Growth Tool

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Years ago I taught the What If Technique to my friend, Chris. He has since taught it to thousands of people. He told me what recently happened to him at a retreat in Hawaii. Chris was sitting by the pool when this guy came up to him and said, “You changed my life!” and demanded […]

Pre-Flight Checklist

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It doesn’t matter whether pilots are brand new or on their 5000th flight – they still go through their pre-flight checklist every time they fly. We can borrow this strategy. A lot of people have some fear about making phone calls. Here’s something you can do about that. What if you create a pre-call checklist […]

Are You Good Enough?

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Are You Good Enough? I have yet to meet someone who does not have some version of “I’m not good enough” going on inside their head. It seems to be part of the human experience. Variations of “I’m not good enough” include: “I’m not okay”, “I’m not enough”, “Something is wrong with me”, “I don’t […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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