Unfolding Perfectly Being in Alaska has given me several opportunities to reflect on my life and how it has perfectly unfolded. Looking back, I can see those forks in the road where if I had turned a different direction, my life would look very different than it does now. Laura, who took us on a […]
Unfolding Perfectly
Filed Under: Accept and Approve of yourself, Awareness, Celebrate Progress, Creating Happiness, experience, Gratitude, Happiness, Letting Go, personal growth, progress, Purpose Tagged With: Daily Dose of Jonathan, direction, forks in the road, Jonathan Mankse, Life, stories, Unfolding Perfectly
Quit Trying To Change Behaviors
Stories are deeper than behaviors. Stories drive behaviors. So when we try and change our behaviors without first upgrading the stories that drive them, all we can use is will-power, effort, and force – none of which are sustainable – all of which leave us feeling wrung out, worn out, and frustrated because the behavior […]
Filed Under: Acknowledge, Awareness, Forgiveness, Head Trash, Law of Attraction, Limiting Belief, Question, Stories Tagged With: change the behavior, change the story, Daily Dose of Johnathan, habit, Johnathan Manske, stories, The Law of Attraction Made Simple
Building an Elegant Trap
In order to better understand people, we need to understand how pain and pleasure motivate. We either move away from pain or we move towards pleasure. Moving away from pain is reactive and moving towards pleasure is proactive. Most of the time people are moving away from pain rather than moving towards what they really […]
Filed Under: Awareness, Choice, energy, Law of Attraction, life changing skill, Mindset and Attitude, Non-Conscious Programming, perspective, success strategy, Transform Limiting Beliefs, Willingness Tagged With: Accountability, Consequences and rewards, elegant trap, growth story, jonathan manske, law of attraction made simple, mass consciousness, Pain and pleasure, stories, walking the talk, wealth consciousness boot camp