Playing both sides of the ping pong table ~ the myth of multitasking

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Playing both sides of the ping pong table ~ the myth of multitasking Whether you are male or female, your conscious brain can only deal with a fairly small amount of information at any given time (Neurosciences tell us that we can handle 5-9 bits of information at any one time). That’s it. So when […]

The Evidence Challenge

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The Evidence Challenge We will always find evidence to support our point of view. So, we better make sure that we are searching for evidence that contributes to us rather than limits us. What point of view are you supporting? Are you arguing for your limitations or for your greatness? I invite you to take […]

A life without gratitude is a dry life indeed

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A life without gratitude is a dry life indeed There is so much in our lives that we can be grateful for and so much of that we take for granted. If your life is not as juicy as you would like it to be, the cure is simple – up your gratitude game. Amaze […]

Grace for Yourself

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Grace for Yourself In last night’s NBA Finals game, Steph Curry, this season’s MVP, made 5 out of 23 shots (21.7%). On the biggest stage, he had the worst shooting performance of his whole career. Why am I sharing this ~ a reminder that we all are both a mess and a miracle. Steph is […]

Room for Miracles

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Room for Miracles When we get out of the “how” there’s room for miracles to happen. When we are in the “how”, we are in the way. We do not need to know “how” in order to proceed or in order to receive our good. “How” is God’s job so we cannot possibly figure it […]

A Tale of Two Bosses

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Imagine that you get to choose between 2 bosses. One is fault-finding, belittling, grumpy, and generally negative. The other is supportive, optimistic, kind, and happy. Which one would you choose to work for? Which one are you to yourself? Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make […]

When letting go doesn’t seem to work

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I heard a great question today ~ “I’ve done a lot of letting go work – tapping, Sedona, etc. around being able to find good people for my business. But, it doesn’t seem to stick. What’s up with that?” Usually when this happens, it means that we need to go deeper. Here’s a metaphor: If […]

Redefining Loving Ourselves

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We often view letting ourselves off the hook or cutting ourselves some slack as loving ourselves. In some situations this is probably accurate but more often than not it isn’t. It is actually self-sabotage and self-damage. One definition of emotional maturity is doing the “right” thing even when you don’t feel like it. Usually in […]

Sales Chalk Talk Radio Show

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I was a guest on the Sales Chalk Talk Radio Show  with Hugh Liddle and Jim Hamlin. We talked about Daily Dose stuff, or in Hugh’s words, “In Jonathan’s daily blog A Daily Dose of Jonathan, he deals with various subjects about life and business and our thinking.  And I’ve seen some recurring themes in his writing […]

Playing the Victim Card

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Sometimes it is awfully tempting to fall into the victim trap – I’m not responsible, it isn’t my fault. I’d be happy if _________ just behaved differently. I’d be successful if only ___________. No matter how tempting this might seem at times, remember this: No one has ever created joy, happiness, and fulfillment by playing […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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