Head Trash and Referrals

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Head Trash and Referrals Referrals are the easiest (by far) way to get new business. However, many people struggle with asking for them. Why? Here are a few major head trash reasons why: Asking for help is not okay because I should be able to do it by myself. So asking for help proves that […]

But Enough About Me

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But Enough About Me Want a sure-fire recipe for suffering? Keep your attention on yourself. Am I looking good? What about me? Am I getting my fair share? When’s my turn? How’s that person’s problem going to negatively impact me? What’s in it for me? I much prefer the alternative ~ serve, contribute, and make […]

Don’t try to control the weather

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Don’t try to control the weather Think how frustrating it would be if you tried to control the weather. A much better strategy is to just deal with whatever Mother Nature brings. This is also a good way to think about dealing with our emotions. Just deal with what the weather brings. There are valid […]

How do you change the world?

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How do you change the world? How do you change the world? One random act of kindness at a time! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, […]

Gratitude Wake Up

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Gratitude Wake Up Gratitude is a wonderful practice. And there’s a less effective and a more effective way to do it. To be most effective, our gratitude practice needs to wake us up rather than lull us into a lower energy state. Here are 3 things to pay attention to. Really feel the gratitude and […]

Money Stories

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Money Stories Money does not have any stories about you. However, we tend to have lots of stories about money – many of which are not very useful. Money is perfectly ready to come to us. We just need to upgrade our stories about money. How do you do that? Effort over time – getting […]

The Discipline Group

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The Discipline Group As long as words like: discipline, structure, routine, tracking, rules, time-blocking, accountability, etc. give you the heebie jeebies. You will be forced to underperform because you will be avoiding the things that will help you to do better. Greatness stands on the shoulders of those words. So then, the thing to do […]

Beware of the equal sign

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Beware of the equal sign We often insert equal signs into our thinking that don’t belong there. For example, one person I worked with had it that quitting smoking would automatically make her business better, her marriage stronger, and her life happier. There’s no connection between those things and stopping smoking. But, that line of […]


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Dam Imagine putting a dam across a river. Then you watch the spillway at the top of the dam from down river. All you can see is that there is no water coming through the spillway. From that perspective, you cannot see what is going on in the newly forming lake. You cannot tell whether […]

Busy vs Effective

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Busy vs Effective Don’t confuse being busy with being effective. If you find yourself being quite busy but not being all that effective, there are a few things you will want to check. Am I busy with useful things, income generating activities, and things that will move me forward – or am I busy with […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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