Solution mode Have you noticed that so often people want to keep on rehashing the problem, and elaborating, and reviewing, and remembering similar offenses and . . . There is zero benefit when we do that. Zero! The problem can be covered in a minute or two. Then it is time to turn our attention […]
Curiosity and fear
Curiosity and fear Curiosity can be a great antidote for fear. Next time you are experiencing fear, start getting curious instead: What if it can be different? I wonder who my new client will be? I wonder how this is going to all work out? Etc. Fear is a very low state of consciousness. […]
Deathbed Conversations That Will Never Happen
1001 Daily Doses
Receiving Q: Where does good come from? A: Other people! Q: Where does kindness, contribution, and support come from? A: Other people! Q: Where does money come from? A: Other people! So, if we have any head trash about receiving (most people do), then we are going to have some problems, deficiencies, and many opportunities […]
Get over yourself
Get over yourself Have you ever been in a situation where you could really help someone but they have some head trash about receiving assistance? ~ not very enjoyable. Have you ever been that person? It is okay to receive assistance! In fact, it is a very smart thing to do. Let’s create a culture […]
The other ADD ~ Action Deficit Disorder
The other ADD ~ Action Deficit Disorder Many people suffer from the other ADD. They are not in enough action to create the results and outcomes that they want. Action Deficit Disorder ~ When there is an opportunity to do something that could change us for the better we end up procrastinating, hesitating, or avoiding. […]
Advertising ~ The enemy of self-worth
Advertising ~ The enemy of self-worth We are under attack by a subtle force that destroys confidence, well-being, and self-worth. That subtle force is advertising. How many billboards, magazine ads, TV commercials, and banner ads do you see in a day? How many have you seen in your life? Almost all of them are saying […]
Get out of your comfort zone
Get out of your comfort zone “Get out of your comfort zone.” We hear that advice a lot. I give that advice frequently. However, that is an “away from” rather than a “towards”. Law of attraction 101 – whatever we give our energy, attention, and focus to is what we get, whether it is what […]