I approve of me Say out loud, “I approve of me.” For most people this is going to bring up some resistance – reasons why not to approve of themselves. If that’s the case for you, here’s a great homework assignment: Get in front of a mirror and then gaze into your own eyes. Really […]
The importance of wins
The importance of wins From what I can tell, it is very important to our well-being to have wins, to have successes. These wins give us a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and fulfillment. These wins can even be little things. I spent several hours last Saturday and Sunday working on my flower gardens. I weeded, […]
Celebration and satisfaction
Celebration and satisfaction If we don’t celebrate ourselves, our lives, and our success then how can we hope to experience joy, happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction? p.s. The Cure for Procrastination on May 24 www.jonathanmanske.com/procrastinationcure Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would […]
Procrastination and overwhelm
Procrastination and overwhelm Oftentimes the first step in dealing with procrastination and overwhelm is self-forgiveness. When we procrastinate and or get overwhelmed, we are not bad or wrong or defective. We are merely human. But people treat themselves like they are bad, wrong, or defective. Once we forgive ourselves, we allow ourselves to be human […]
Triggers and Plans
Greater Heights
Greater Heights The lie in mass consciousness is that we can beat ourselves to greater heights. Somehow, we got stuck with the idea that negative self talk and the like will spur us on to better performance. However, that idea is total crap. We can go into the laboratory and prove that beating up on […]
Discount or Celebrate
I’m not into shame
Support vs criticism
Support vs criticism What’s the ratio of support to judgment, criticism, and opinions that you receive from others? What’s the ratio of support to judgment, criticism, and opinions that you give to others? What would happen if we gave more support and less of the other stuff? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ […]
Okay to be human
Okay to be human Human beings make mistakes. Humans are less than perfect. This is a part of being alive. However, many people have stories that it is not okay to make a mistake, or not safe to make a mistake, or that they need to be perfect. This puts people in an impossible position […]