Rise up or give up (part 2 of bungee cords and ladders)

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Rise up or give up (part 2 of bungee cords and ladders)  Yesterday’s Dose talked about how limiting beliefs, poor self-image, and other head trash act like bungee cords attached to our waist as we try and climb the ladder of success. As we try and climb, we keep getting pulled back down off the […]

Bungee cords and ladders

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Bungee cords and ladders  Imagine having a bunch of bungee cords with one end attached to your waist and the other attached to the ground. Then imagine trying to climb a ladder. With each step up, the tension increases until “wham” you find yourself flat on your back on the ground. After a bit, you […]

What results do you get . . .

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What results do you get . . .  What results do I get for my clients, for my loved ones, for my friends, for the organizations I’m involved with . . . ? This is a great question to ask ourselves. Then the next question is: “Is this the results I want to be getting?” […]

Problem focus or creation focus

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Problem focus or creation focus  It is an easy trap to fall into – fixing the problems and issues so that once they are fixed, we can move on to what’s next, we can move on to bigger and better things. However, there are 4 major problems with this strategy. #1 What we focus on […]

What in the world have we agreed to?

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What in the world have we agreed to?  Imagine that a kid makes a mistake and then mom or dad gets really mad. At that moment, the kid could create an agreement along the lines of “I’ll be perfect from now on and in exchange, you will never get mad at me again (because that […]

The wrong opt in

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The wrong opt in  In order to feel guilt, shame, abandonment, embarrassment, etc. we have to opt in. We have to choose to feel that way. No one else has the power to make us feel those things. Since it is an opt in, that also means that we can opt out. We can choose […]

Surefire recipe for creating hell on earth

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Surefire recipe for creating hell on earth  Here’s a surefire recipe for creating hell on earth ~ grumble, complain, and moan every chance you get. If that’s not what you want to create, then you’ll want to avoid doing those things. Instead, you might want to try a recipe of gratitude, praise, and looking for […]

Goal achieving does not equal arriving

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Goal achieving does not equal arriving  A mistake people make is to visualize to their goals rather than through their goals. Because after we hit a goal, there is still life to live. I haven’t “arrived” once I hit that goal. Let’s use the example of running a marathon. Absolutely I should celebrate crossing the […]

You and Mt. Evans

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You and Mt. Evans  If I got down on my knees and aimed my camera up at you, I could make you look taller than the Rocky Mountains in the background. However, if I thought that you were taller than the mountains then I would be seriously deluded. That’s a pretty good metaphor for what […]

What people need most

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What people need most  Mostly people just need to know that they are loved. That is something we can always provide! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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