Already Good What would be the impact on our lives if we truly realized that we are already doing good? What if we actually gave ourselves full credit for what we have already accomplished, the millions of successes we have already had, and how good our lives already are? What if we let go of […]
Right or Happy?
Is It Possible?
Is It Possible? Often times when we find ourselves resisting positive behavior change, the “it is not possible” story is in play. If it isn’t possible to slim down, why would I bother to eat healthy or exercise? If it isn’t possible to grow my business, why would I put in the effort? If it […]
Fundamental shift in selling
Fundamental shift in selling Many people have head trash about selling because they view selling from a taking perspective – taking their money, taking their time. However, selling done well is a giving thing not a taking thing. It is giving them a solution to their problem, an opportunity to better their lives, an opportunity […]
Puzzling If we dumped a 1000-piece puzzle on the table, we would expect that it will take some time to put it all together. We would expect to be challenged and have periods of fast progress and periods of slow progress. We’d have pieces that don’t seem to fit anywhere and pieces that look like […]
Over-Visualization One of the important things to remember with visualization (and affirmations) is that the feelings are the most important part. So often times when people visualize something that seems to be too big of a stretch for them, it creates feelings like doubt and disbelief and brings their energy down. When this happens then […]
It is all packaging
It is all packaging Any time that we get upset, feel bad, or harshly judge ourselves about our bodies and about how we look – we are confusing the packaging with who we really are. Tall, short, wide, thin, big nose, small nose, freckled, straight teeth, crooked teeth, six-pack abs, 1-fluffy-pack abs . . […]
Looking in the mirror
What does history have to do with anything?
What does history have to do with anything? Before the Super Bowl, I was mostly just hoping that the game would be close. As a life-long Broncos fan, I have watched my team get blown out 5 times (including the debacle of 2 years ago). Super Bowl 12: Dallas Cowboys 27 Broncos 10 Super Bowl […]