Trusting that people will do what they need to do

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Trusting that people will do what they need to do  Life is so much easier when we trust rather than worry, fret, and catastrophize. In the last few days I have been reaching out to people to promote my upcoming Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results program. Several previous coaching clients have responded with an apology for […]

The other kind of identity theft

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The other kind of identity theft  I heard a presentation about identity theft this morning. Sadly, this is a booming enterprise. However, there’s another kind of identity theft that is far more costly and damaging. And even worse, we have done it to ourselves. We have given up our identity of being brilliant, talented, fabulous […]

Their best

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Their best It is important to remember that everyone is already doing as good as his or her head trash will allow. And, that includes you. Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone […]

Over here over here (jumping up and down with arms waving)

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Over here over here (jumping up and down with arms waving) Imagine someone trying to get your attention from a distance. They are probably jumping up and down, waving their arms, and yelling “over here, over here”. That’s a good way to view our resistance – procrastination, hesitation, avoidance, I don’t want to, etc. Our […]

Really it is okay to ask for help

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Really it is okay to ask for help  The ultimate piece of head trash is “I’m not enough”. And so often this prevents people from asking for assistance. I plays out like this: I should be able to do this on my own. If I was enough I surely would be able to. So if […]

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Little fish in a big ocean grows up  Because of head trash (like not worthy, not ready, success stuff, money stuff and other junk) people often think of themselves as a small fish in a big ocean. “Who am I to be successful? Who am I to be a rock star in my industry? Etc.” […]

Introductions, Thank You, and Head Trash

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Introductions, Thank You, and Head Trash I recently introduced two people who I thought had a great chance at being able to generate business for each other. I haven’t heard a word of thanks from either of them. Guess how inspired I am to make more introductions for them. Not very. I have a list […]

When head trash and will power collide

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When head trash and will power collide When head trash and will power collide, guess what wins pretty much every time? People often think that they just need more will power and that they can power through their head trash and resistance. But, will power has been proven to act like a battery. When you […]

Making Friends With Resistance

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Making Friends With Resistance   When resistance shows up in our lives, it is not a problem. It is an opportunity! The resistance is showing us where we have limiting beliefs, lousy stories, or other head trash. Those are the things that create resistance. So when the resistance shows up, it comes hand in hand […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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