Pine Cones and Attention

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Pine Cones and Attention I was talking with a client this morning about how good it is for our business when people feel good about themselves when they are around us. She asked, “How do you do that?” One of my answers was – by giving that other person our full attention. Our attention is […]

A Lesson from Your Lungs

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A Lesson from Your Lungs Try and exhale more than you inhaled – doesn’t work. Try and exhale less than you inhaled – you can do this for a couple of breaths and then you are out of room. This is a pretty good metaphor for giving and receiving. They are complimentary. You want to […]

What if there is enough time!

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What if there is enough time! People often have head trash that there is not enough time. As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you enter into scarcity consciousness. As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you experience stress and anxiety which has your brain work less effectively which […]

Dominated By Time

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Dominated By Time Any time that we are not experiencing lightness, ease, and joy in whatever we are doing, we are being dominated by time. And when we are being dominated by time, we naturally feel stress, pressure, and anxiety (usually because we think there’s not enough time) which makes us far less magnetic to […]

Cost or Benefit?

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Cost or Benefit Our course of action is often determined by whether we are focusing on the cost or on the benefit. Over the years, I’ve encountered many people who are stuck and frustrated and desperately want different results. However, they talk themselves out of doing anything about it because they focus on the costs […]

Secret Sauce Recipe

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Secret Sauce Recipe If we don’t document what we put in our delicious secret sauce, then we cannot make it again. If we do document it, then re-creation is easy. When we are in the groove, in the zone, creating unprecedented results ~ if we don’t document what we did to get ourselves there, how […]

Whose job is it to judge?

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Whose job is it to judge? Does judging others give you peace of mind? Does it create happiness? It certainly does not for me. I don’t think anyone has ever judged their way to happiness. Who am I to judge? I am certainly not perfect. How another person lives his or her life is between […]

Fear of Spiders

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Fear of Spiders I’ve cured my daughter of her fear of spiders 3 times now. She stays cured for a while (a couple of years one time). Then she spends some time with a friend with a spider phobia (based on a small sample size, this seems to be a very common phobia with my […]

Stop Listening To The Noise

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Stop Listening To The Noise Years ago I did some work with a high school sprinter, “Stan”. His issue was that he ran much faster in practice then he did in track meets. In the track meets, Stan would have his typical fast start but then he would hear the noise of the people behind […]

The Smart Way to Climb a Mountain

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The Smart Way to Climb a Mountain Imagine that you and I are climbing a mountain together. I keep mumbling, “I’m not there yet. I’m not there yet. I’m not there yet.” How long before you scream, “SHUT UP ALREADY”? Not only am I driving myself crazy, but I’m bringing your energy down too. A […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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