Shoveling snow with a tablespoon The next time that it snows (hopefully next winter), I could shovel my driveway with a tablespoon. I’d sure be busy and have a lot of action going on. I could also use a snow shovel. I would not be as busy for as long compared to using the tablespoon. […]
Remembering that we do have a choice
Remembering that we do have a choice Sabine, her friend, and I drove for 3.5 hours this morning to ski at Sunlight (near Glenwood Springs, CO). 2 hours into our ski day, Sabine’s friend crashed and hurt her knee. Our ski day was over. My initial response was irritation and disappointment. I wanted to ski! […]
The power of the tongue
The power of the tongue We have the power to speak: growth or stagnation happiness or sadness encouragement or discouragement optimism or pessimism celebration or downplaying possibility or impossibility enthusiasm or apathy blessings or curses unprecedented results or limitation hope or resignation life or death Choose wisely! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily […]
But what will they think?
A boy named Johnny
A boy named Johnny When we try to understand people from a logical perspective, we often end up just scratching our heads in bewilderment. Emotion, non-conscious programming, and head trash are what typically guides behavior – not logic. Take the case of Johnny Manziel. (He’s an NFL quarterback, first round draft choice, Heisman trophy winner, […]
Working the drive through window
Working the drive through window Imagine that you are working the drive through window. As the car is about to leave, you reach out through the window and grab on to the car. How’s this going to turn out for you? You’ll probably break a few ribs as you are pulled through the window and […]
Dust Devils
The End of Suffering
The End of Suffering Imagine if our bodies were as sensitive as our psyches – someone lightly touches us and we experience debilitating pain that lasts for days. That would be horrible. Unfortunately, our psyches are that way. Somebody slights us and we hurt for hours or even days or even years. Somebody looks at […]
If you don’t celebrate, how is it supposed to be fun?
Tell better lies
Tell better lies Sometimes when people start talking kinder to themselves, start talking about what is possible for them, or start selling themselves on how amazing they actually are – they encounter some resistance. I’ve heard many people say that it feels like they are lying to themselves. Here’s the deal with that: We are […]