Stress is Inevitable We will have stress in our lives. The question is: what do we do with that stress? Do we let it tear us down or push us forward? This all starts with the label that we give the stress. Is it a problem or an opportunity? Is it something I have to […]
Gratitude Wake Up
Gratitude Wake Up Gratitude is a wonderful practice. And there’s a less effective and a more effective way to do it. To be most effective, our gratitude practice needs to wake us up rather than lull us into a lower energy state. Here are 3 things to pay attention to. Really feel the gratitude and […]
Getting Clear About Who We Really Are
Getting Clear About Who We Really Are What if you were truly made to be awesome! (YOU WERE!!!) Go forth and be awesome!!! Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit […]
Your Inner Marine
Your Inner Marine Marines are trained to move towards danger. What if we sort of borrow a page from their playbook and train ourselves to move towards discomfort. What if that becomes our instinctive response – to go ahead and do the things that scare us because we know that they move our lives forward. […]
The Happiness Advantage Meets The Law of Attraction
Have you seen Shawn Achor’s TED talk? If not, please watch. He is so good! Shawn gives us the data about how our brains at positive perform significantly better than they do at negative or neutral. Then there’s the whole law of attraction side of things. When we are at negative or even neutral, we […]
Not Everyone Needs to Like You
My book, The Law of Attraction Made Simple, has a lot of fantastic reviews on Amazon ~ “Very simply, THE BEST law Of Attraction book ever written.” “This book is life changing! I can’t put it down.” “Best book I’ve ever read on LOA.” ”Best book on Law of Attraction I’ve ever read.” Etc. A […]
Sales Chalk Talk Radio Show
I was a guest on the Sales Chalk Talk Radio Show with Hugh Liddle and Jim Hamlin. We talked about Daily Dose stuff, or in Hugh’s words, “In Jonathan’s daily blog A Daily Dose of Jonathan, he deals with various subjects about life and business and our thinking. And I’ve seen some recurring themes in his writing […]
Just for the fun of it
100 years from now, no one will care if you were successful or not successful, happy or not happy, lived adventurously or bored yourself to death. So in a cosmic sense it doesn’t really matter what you do with your life. But it does matter to the individual! (Wouldn’t you rather lead a happy and […]
Two Thoughts on “Busy”
Keeping a bunch of plates spinning is a metaphor that is often used for being busy. Keeping a bunch of balls in the air (juggling) is used too. In these acts, plates do get dropped. It’s okay. They just pick up another one, start it spinning, and continue with the act. Last summer at Cirque […]