The promise of spring I was driving in the mountains the other day. It was cold, overcast, and snowy. Then I had a thought ~ winter holds the promise of spring. Not too long from now, the snow will start to melt. The creeks and rivers will rise. The grasses will start to turn green. […]
Reaching out – especially when we don’t feel like it
The wrong worthy
The wrong worthy Most people have forgotten the truth about who they really are and so they believe that they are worthy of rejection. When we remember the truth, then we remember that we are worthy of love, joy, belonging, blessings, and all manner of good! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ […]
Deep peace and surface storms
Value to offer
What’s worth changing for?
What’s worth changing for? Change, in the short term, tends to bring uncertainty, unfamiliarity, and discomfort. There are parts of our brain that do not want us to change because those parts see change as a threat to safety. This can make change undesirable and or challenging. However, creating better lives and greater success requires […]
Essential vs frivolous
Essential vs frivolous How much of our lives is filled with essential things rather than frivolous things ~ activities, relationships, possessions, time thieves, and even desires. What would happen if we let go of the frivolous and hold on to the essential? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]
Correction or punishment
Correction or punishment Most of us, if not all of us, have experienced punishment in our lives. The message was clear – we were bad or wrong and needed to be punished. And, a lot of this probably happened in childhood which served to condition us towards a punishment viewpoint. This can lead to us […]
What are we setting out to find?
Disappointment and what is next
Disappointment and what is next Sooner or later, we are going to experience disappointment. Maybe you didn’t get the Christmas present that you wanted. Maybe your sure-fire prospect said “no”. Maybe something did not go at all the way you expected and hoped that it would. It could be over a big thing or over […]