Disappointment and what is next 

Sooner or later, we are going to experience disappointment. Maybe you didn’t get the Christmas present that you wanted. Maybe your sure-fire prospect said “no”. Maybe something did not go at all the way you expected and hoped that it would. It could be over a big thing or over a little thing. But, disappointment is going to happen.
What we do after the disappointment plays a big role in our quality of life.
We can sulk for years – or get over it immediately. We can shut down and decide not to ask again because we never get what we want and so why bother – or we can celebrate our behavior and that we asked for what we wanted (the only part of this that we can control).
Which do you habitually do? Most of us have some room for an upgrade here.
Much Love,
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photo credit: USACE Europe District Santa Claus is comin’ to the Amelia Earhart Center via photopin (license)
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