A friend is experiencing stress and frustration because the way someone is trying to be supportive of her doesn’t work for her. Instead of feeling supported, important, valued, and inspired – she feels uninspired, frustrated, and not believed in. Whether this someone is a boss, upline, parent, friend, spouse, co-worker, etc. – this is not […]
I double dog dare you to answer this question
So often the questions we ask ourselves orient us in the 180 degree wrong direction. We ask ourselves questions like: “How come no one wants to do business with me?” This question is almost certain to lead us to a distorted perspective that has us feel lousy about ourselves and doesn’t offer any real solutions. […]
Using Emotions To Grow Yourself
Emotions mean that something is important to us. By simply getting curious about “what here is important to me” when we are experiencing a negative emotion, we can already begin to diffuse a negative emotion. We move out of reactive consciousness and into witness or observer consciousness. We can then also learn about ourselves and […]
Out of Control Optimism
Optimism is a good thing. But when optimism becomes mandatory, when people have it that there is no other option but to be optimistic, optimism can cause real problems. There is a fine line between optimism and delusion. When we have to be optimistic, we cannot see what we need to see. We cannot see […]