A bunch of people are about to go into coast-mode because after all it is the holiday season. In their minds, it is time to take their foot off of the gas. But, there is still one quarter of 2014 left. So how do you want to finish 2014 ~ with a fizzle or a […]
Crazy Idea
Here’s a crazy idea: What if you decided to truly believe that your life is already good and that you are already successful and that you are doing fantastically well so far – instead of beating the crap out of yourself every chance you get. What would that be like? Much love, Jonathan Know someone […]
Smart Brain Dumb Brain
Last week my daughter had a spelling and vocabulary test. That morning she was reviewing for her test and realized that she was not as prepared as she thought she was. She got very stressed out. Tears were flowing. And, she was trying to cram the info into her head. Here’s the thing though, when […]
Happiness Is a CHOICE
The Other Gap
Policies & Procedures For Life ~ A Guide To Live Boldly
When we experience discomfort, we immediately have a choice to either shrink, retreat, and play it safe – or to expand, lean into the discomfort, and take bold action. Most people’s default setting is to shrink and retreat. This is not the way to create the life of your dreams and get what you want! […]
Underestimating The Importance of the Fun Factor
Imagine taking the same action from two different states of being. In one state your energy is up, you are happy and you are having fun. In the other state your energy is down, you are grumpy, and you are not enjoying what you are doing. Although it is impossible to accurately measure the difference […]