Socially Acceptable???

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Worry is socially acceptable. Negative self-talk is socially acceptable. Gossiping and bad-mouthing others is socially acceptable. Complaining and making others wrong is socially acceptable. And many other things like this . . . Whoa! If all that is socially acceptable, then our society has clearly gotten off track! How can things that are clearly detrimental […]

Repressed Worry

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Most people have quite a bit of repressed worry. People in general have a habit of worrying. Some of it you might be aware of and some of it is pushed pretty deep into the shadows. I invite you to be really honest and vulnerable with yourself and feel that worry ~ worry that: The […]

Loved and Lovable

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Say out loud, “I am loved” and, “I am lovable” and notice how they feel. If these two statements do not feel 100% true, you have some important work to do in the personal growth gym. If you have head trash about being loved then it is harder for others to contribute to you. If […]

Is it worth it?

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Sometimes all we need to do is ask ourselves this question: Is it worth it? Is it worth it to get upset? Is it worth it to worry? Is it worth it to get down on myself? Is it worth it to compare myself to others? Is it worth it to hang onto my anger? […]

Letting Go Of Resentments

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Remember this and it will be easier to let go of resentments, upsets, irritations, and the like: it isn’t you that wants to hold on to these things. It is your little troll that wants to hold on to it in order to keep you where you are – down in the familiar zone. Much […]

Expectations Often Come From Limitations

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When we stop and examine our expectations, we often find that they are more limitations than expectations. We expect that we cannot hit that number because we haven’t hit it before – but what if we can! We expect that it has to take a long time – but what if it doesn’t! We expect […]

The Missing Word

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A lot of confusion and suffering gets created because we are missing a word in the English language. We need a word for the good kind of selfish ~ self-full. Notice how you cringe when you hear that word selfish. We all know that it is a bad thing to be selfish. But that’s the […]

If it isn’t possible . . .

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I talked with a couple of people today who had “it isn’t possible” going on. If it isn’t possible then taking any sort of action in that direction is simply foolish. Why would we bother if there’s no chance of it working out? It is so important that we check in on “is it possible” […]

Are Your Definitions Up To Date?

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Are your definitions of things like: success, achievement, wealth, abundance, greatness, value, worth, honor, integrity . . . the same as God’s /The Universe’s definitions? If not, you have a lot more suffering and isolation in your life than you would have otherwise. And, you have some very important work to do in the personal […]

You don’t need to know HOW!

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You don’t need to know HOW. However, you have to be open to the possibility that it can. “I don’t know how, but what if I can!” “Somebody has to do it why not me!” Much Love, Jonathan I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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