Relax and breathe

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Relax and Breathe My flight yesterday was delayed by 1 hour because they closed the door and took the jetway away while there was still a maintenance employee on the plane. Consequently, I missed my connecting flight. The flight from LA to Tokyo was 12 hours so I had plenty of time to wonder if […]

Choose kind

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Choose Kind Regardless of the circumstance, we can always be kind. Kindness comes from love. And, we can love even when someone is screwing up, or trying to cause us problems, or is making poor choices. We can be kind and still stand up for ourselves, protect ourselves, or even administer consequences. It just depends […]

Start with Why

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Start with Why There are lots of things that we need to do, or should do, or would be a good thing to do that we don’t get done. Instead of just viewing these things as another item on our to-do-list, we can ask ourselves “why is this important?” If we have a good answer […]

The walking offended

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The Walking Offended We’ve all gotten offended. And, we have all given offense, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And, we will get offended again and we will offend again. The challenge is: how quickly can we get over it? How quickly can we let it go? Because, when we are walking around offended, we are missing […]

Thinking of reasons to fully engage or to not fully engage

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Thinking of Reasons to Fully Engage   or to Not Fully Engage We are either thinking of reasons why we shouldn’t fully engage (now’s not a good time, when ____ happens then I’ll engage, I’ll start tomorrow, and the like) or we are thinking of reasons why we should fully engage (I’m worth it, this […]

Reasons to divide or reasons to connect

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Reasons to Divide or Reasons to Connect We always find what we are looking for. So, if I’m looking for how that person is different from me, or for faults, or for reasons why I shouldn’t connect – I’ll find those. And if I’m looking for how that person is like me, what’s good about […]

Hard Choices

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Hard choices We frequently mistakenly think that situations and circumstances determine our responses. “That thing happened so therefore, I must be angry, or hurt, or upset.” But, there are no mandatory responses. We can always choose something different, something that is more in alignment with who we want to be and how we want to […]

Meaning vs Victim

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Meaning vs Victim  In his famous book, Man’s Search For Meaning, Viktor Frankl talks about how vital it is for our lives to have meaning. Without meaning or purpose we don’t have anything to life for. My mom is skinny, walks every day, and eats healthy – and, she had a stroke last week. Now […]

Loosing myself in order to ascend

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Loosing myself in order to ascend  A common piece of counter-intent is that in order to take things to the next level, I’m going to have to either give up something that is important or that I have to give up being myself. Faced with this either/or choice, people choose to stay true to those […]

After the fact

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After the fact  When we have that realization after the fact: I didn’t do what I wanted to in that situation I made a mistake I did that thing again There’s a better way to handle that Etc. What do we do next? Do we beat up on ourselves, or do we let it go? […]

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