Awesome Imaginary Friend

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Awesome Imaginary Friend  I was recently talking with a client whose business partnership had ended. The thing he missed most about the partnership was the conversations they had about the business that would get him pumped up. I immediately saw an image of him talking to himself, or to an imaginary friend, and having those […]

It is impossible to outperform your self-image

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It is impossible to outperform your self-image  In his book, Psychocybernetics, Maxwell Maltz said, “It is impossible to outperform your self-image.” It is impossible to do better than your opinion of yourself. One example of this is the shockingly large percentage of lottery winners who lose all their winnings in a matter of years. Being mega-wealthy […]

An accountability question

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An accountability question  I was recently asked, “How can I hold myself accountable to taking the actions needed to move forward?” The first thing to understand is that our behaviors (no matter how frustrating they might be) always make sense when we uncover the underlying story. For example: Let’s say that I’m trying to hold […]

We see what we expect to see

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We see what we expect to see  So often we see what we expect to see, rather than what is actually there. I remember the first time I went to Panera Bread. I went to get a glass of ice water. I filled my glass with ice and then started looking for the little water […]

Trying too hard

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Trying too hard  Whenever my setting in volleyball gets inaccurate, it is most likely that I’m trying too hard to give my partner the perfect set so that he can crush it. I just need to breathe, relax, have fun, and get my mind out of the way so that my body can do what […]

Who are you listening to?

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Who are you listening to?  You have probably seen the cartoon image where there’s a tiny angel sitting on one shoulder and a tiny devil sitting on the other – whispering conflicting advice. A more accurate image (for most people) would be the devil on one shoulder, dressed nice (not at all looking like a […]

Goal achieving does not equal arriving

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Goal achieving does not equal arriving  A mistake people make is to visualize to their goals rather than through their goals. Because after we hit a goal, there is still life to live. I haven’t “arrived” once I hit that goal. Let’s use the example of running a marathon. Absolutely I should celebrate crossing the […]

How many times?

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How many times?  Q: How many times do we need to let go of something? A: As many as it takes – unless we would prefer to suffer and to stay stuck. It is like the boxer who was asked about his secret to success ~ “I always got up one more time after I […]

Self-Care ~ luxury or necessity

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Self-Care ~ luxury or necessity  So often when people get busy or stressed, the first thing they drop is self-care. This is a mistake. When they do this, they are looking at the cost (time) rather than the benefits. Self-care (exercise, prayer, meditation, personal growth time, relaxation, social connection, etc.) can produce stress relief, stronger […]

Kind of open for business

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Kind of open for business  I helped a chiropractor grow his business by 40% in less than a month. His head trash was the equivalent of having a sign on his front door that said, “kind of open for business”. So, people kind of came for treatment or they kind of didn’t. He was putting […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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