Awesome Imaginary Friend 

I was recently talking with a client whose business partnership had ended. The thing he missed most about the partnership was the conversations they had about the business that would get him pumped up.
I immediately saw an image of him talking to himself, or to an imaginary friend, and having those exact same conversations.
Then I thought, “WOW, that’s a technique we can all use to build our excitement, create fun, and get our energy up.”
In explaining my idea, I demonstrated. “It is going to be an amazing day. I’m so excited about this new client and what we can do for him. We do great work!”
Immediately I felt my energy go up! This works!
Try it and see what you notice. Who knows, we might start a new trend of people talking to themselves in a really beneficial way.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Rod Waddington Best Friends via photopin (license)
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