Simple math of thinking

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Simple math of thinking  Most people are wishing for positive results but mainly thinking negative thoughts. This is a seriously defective strategy. The good news is that this habit of how and about what we think can be upgraded. When thinking becomes predominately positive we become happier, life becomes more enjoyable, and positive results become […]

I can do it myself (said with defiance)

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I can do it myself (said with defiance)  Many people have head trash about asking for and receiving assistance. The warped thinking behind this goes something like this ~ “I need to prove that I am enough. Asking for help is a sign of weakness. If I was enough, I’d be able to do this […]

Who are you listening to?

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Who are you listening to?  You have probably seen the cartoon image where there’s a tiny angel sitting on one shoulder and a tiny devil sitting on the other – whispering conflicting advice. A more accurate image (for most people) would be the devil on one shoulder, dressed nice (not at all looking like a […]

Change happens in moments

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Change happens in moments  Of course, we want big sweeping instantaneous change. However, that is not the way change usually happens. Changing habits, ways of being, ways of thinking, ways of acting – this happens in moments. Moments strung together become minutes. Minutes become hours and hours becomes days. Focus on the moments. Appreciate the […]

Time Machine

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Time Machine  If I had a time machine, there are a lot of things that I would go back in time and do differently – a choice I made, the way I treated someone, actions I took or did not take . . . But undoubtedly, over time, I’d look back at some of those […]

Time Machine

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Time Machine  If I had a time machine, there are a lot of things that I would go back in time and do differently – a choice I made, the way I treated someone, actions I took or did not take . . . But undoubtedly, over time, I’d look back at some of those […]

Benefit of the doubt

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Benefit of the doubt  What would happen if we gave people the benefit of the doubt more often? Do you walk around purposely offending people or disrespecting people? Do you intentionally cut off other drivers? Do you intentionally hurt people’s feelings or try to make them mad? Hopefully your answer to these questions is an […]

Breaking the sound barrier of success

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Breaking the sound barrier of success  The other day a client was talking about how every time that he’s gotten really busy in his business, he’s backed off with the thought that he needed to take a break. This made me think about the pilots who were trying to break the sound barrier. When they […]

Loosing myself in order to ascend

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Loosing myself in order to ascend  A common piece of counter-intent is that in order to take things to the next level, I’m going to have to either give up something that is important or that I have to give up being myself. Faced with this either/or choice, people choose to stay true to those […]

The result not the how, the outcome not the details, the destination not the path

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The result not the how, the outcome not the details, the destination not the path The other day my daughters and I planned to spend the afternoon together having an adventure. We decided to go to Epic Sky Trek and play on the ropes course. After just a couple of challenge elements, they spotted lightning […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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