Waking Up

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Waking Up Many people start their day in scarcity because their first thought is a “not enough” thought. “I did not get enough sleep.” This sets the tone for the whole day. Yes, one can get over this but, it is starting the day in a hole which means effort and energy are required to […]

How do you truly feel about your income?

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How do you feel about your income? Most people’s immediate response to this question is something along the lines of – it is not enough or it should be more. They feel bad. This automatically puts us into scarcity consciousness, stress, anxiety, pressure, tension, and worry. It can bring up shame and guilt. None of […]


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Plenty Back when I was in grad school in Hawaii, the locals used the term “plenty” all the time. For example, I had a job where some days I sat up on top of a cliff and used a telescope to view and record all the activity in Kaneohe Bay. On others days, I would […]


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John F. Kennedy famously said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” So often people fall into the trap of thinking that someone owes them something – gratitude, respect, appreciation, support, recognition, opportunity – or maybe that life or God owes them […]

Is It Okay To Seek After Wealth?

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My friend, Marlow Felton, has an affirmation that I love:  “Wealth is there, I just have to look for it.” I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.  And, the conclusion I’ve come to is that we find what we look for. Things get very interesting though because very often there is a difference between […]

Check Writing Resistance

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Check Writing Resistance As you might have noticed, our society is insane around the topic of money right now. Predictions of gloom and doom are rampant.  Scarcity and lack are the mindset of the day.  Hoarding and imaging worst case scenarios are popular new hobbies. Here’s a common business owner scenario:  “Okay, I’m not going […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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