Two Thoughts on Hurt

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I had a big a-ha today. It is not okay for me to be hurt or feel hurt. (Kind of a guy thing but also kind of a human thing.) But here’s the thing, when I don’t ignore it but actually tune in, my shoulder does hurt. And of course I’ve been hurt many times […]

Redefining Loving Ourselves

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We often view letting ourselves off the hook or cutting ourselves some slack as loving ourselves. In some situations this is probably accurate but more often than not it isn’t. It is actually self-sabotage and self-damage. One definition of emotional maturity is doing the “right” thing even when you don’t feel like it. Usually in […]

Playing the Victim Card

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Sometimes it is awfully tempting to fall into the victim trap – I’m not responsible, it isn’t my fault. I’d be happy if _________ just behaved differently. I’d be successful if only ___________. No matter how tempting this might seem at times, remember this: No one has ever created joy, happiness, and fulfillment by playing […]


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I heard a fascinating presentation from Tom Tillapaugh, the founder of The Denver Street School. He said that the key to helping at-risk youth is to have people who are willing to provide sacrificial intervention to the point of extreme inconvenience. i.e. they need support and mentoring from already successful people who already have full […]

Confusing Mile Markers With Destinations

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My daughter graduated from 6th grade today. Imagine her saying, “Well now that I’ve graduated 6th grade I’ve arrived.” Or, “I’ll be happy now.” Or, “Good, that should prove that I am enough.” That would be ridiculous. But that’s what we tend to do in our lives. “Oh, when I hit SMD/RVP/Blue Diamond/100K ring/top producer’s roundtable/etc. […]

Is Your Future Safe?

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Say out loud, “the future is safe.” Then rate how that feels on a scale of 1-10, 1 being liar liar and 10 being totally true. If that isn’t a 9 or 10 you probably have some resistance to setting goals, to visualizing, and to being proactive. If the future isn’t safe, why in the […]

Just for the fun of it 

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100 years from now, no one will care if you were successful or not successful, happy or not happy, lived adventurously or bored yourself to death. So in a cosmic sense it doesn’t really matter what you do with your life. But it does matter to the individual! (Wouldn’t you rather lead a happy and […]

Two Thoughts on “Busy”

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Keeping a bunch of plates spinning is a metaphor that is often used for being busy. Keeping a bunch of balls in the air (juggling) is used too. In these acts, plates do get dropped. It’s okay. They just pick up another one, start it spinning, and continue with the act. Last summer at Cirque […]

Inspired Action

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Inspired action can often look like you are not doing very much ~ but a lot happens. So, what exactly is inspired action? Let’s start with what it is not: any action taken from a should, have to, must, or need to. It is also not any action taken with the intent that this action […]

What does support look like?

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A friend is experiencing stress and frustration because the way someone is trying to be supportive of her doesn’t work for her. Instead of feeling supported, important, valued, and inspired – she feels uninspired, frustrated, and not believed in. Whether this someone is a boss, upline, parent, friend, spouse, co-worker, etc. – this is not […]

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