Swimming in polluted waters aka the mass consciousness effect An important thing to keep in mind in our efforts to do better is the mass consciousness effect. Most of what is in mass consciousness is completely counter to success, happiness, and doing better. But these things are so ingrained in mass consciousness that we just […]
Stabbed by darkness
Stabbed by darkness Imagine a cartoony sort of image where a dark character stabs someone and then a beam of bright light comes out of that hole. The dark character stabs again and another beam of light comes out. This happens a few more times until the dark character is blinded by the light and […]
Outcomes we’ve never even considered
Outcomes we’ve never even considered Probably everyone has an area(s) in their lives where there are possibilities they’ve never even considered. Here’s an easy example of this: Many small business owners don’t think about profits, they simply think about having enough to pay the bills and then pay themselves enough to pay the other bills, […]
Shiny, bright, and radiant
Shiny, bright, and radiant Close your eyes and see your habitual picture of yourself. How do you habitually see yourself? Are you: bright, shiny, and radiant or are you dull and dark? standing tall or hunched over? full of energy and enthusiasm or tired? smiling or solemn? powerful or weak? peaceful or frazzled? capable or […]
Un – blank – able
Un – blank – able We spend a lot of our time and energies defending against being rejected, embarrassed, judged, shamed, alienated, disapproved of, and the like. However, all of those things require our participation. When we refuse to participate, we become unrejectable, unembarrasable, unjudgable, unshameable, unalienateable, undisapprovable, and the like. When we live this […]
Purpose of our gifts
Real men
Real men Somewhere we have gotten way off track – that these random acts of violence are happening so often. We need to change the narrative. There’s nothing even remotely manly about hurting innocent and defenseless people. Real men take care of people, protect the innocent, and help the underdog. That’s what real men do. […]
Logic vs love
Logic vs love People are seldom logiced into change. People are often loved into change. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to […]
We were created to . . .
We were created to . . . We were created to love, not to defend ourselves. Life is so much better when we live this way rather than caught up in a petty little ball of misery making it “all about me”. Love is always the appropriate response. Hate, harsh judgment, disapproval, and the like […]