Stern Serious and Playful Serious

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Stern Serious and Playful Serious

That word “serious” tends to come with a lot of baggage. We don’t want to be too serious and no fun. We don’t want to be around people who are too serious. But we also want to be serious about growing our businesses or getting into shape – and things like that.

So, let’s start with some words that we can use to replace serious ~ intentful, determined, committed, focused. When we use these words instead, it opens the door for us to be those things and to also be light, fun, and playful at the same time.

Let’s use Peyton Manning, quarterback for the Denver Broncos, as an example. He has a reputation for working hard and diligently preparing. He’s well known for spending far more time in the film room than anybody else. He is almost always the last guy off the practice field and does one on one work with his receivers and running backs after practice.

That all seems like very serious stuff but it isn’t to Payton. For him it is fun. He says that he is still having fun and when it stops being fun, he will know that it is time to hang up his cleats. Furthermore, he’s a practical joker and tends to exhibit a sense of humor in interviews and in his TV commercials.

He’s a great example of how light, fun, playful, and enjoyable can be combined with focused, determined, committed, and intentful.

Sounds like a winning combination to me.

Much love,


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photo credit: Victor Bezrukov via photopin cc

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