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How good are you at allowing others to contribute to you? How good are you at accepting help and assistance? How well do you receive? Do you let other people take care of you? Most of us aren’t all that great at these things and there are consequences to that. We end up limiting how […]

The Missing Word

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A lot of confusion and suffering gets created because we are missing a word in the English language. We need a word for the good kind of selfish ~ self-full. Notice how you cringe when you hear that word selfish. We all know that it is a bad thing to be selfish. But that’s the […]

Personal Algebra

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Let’s hop into our time machine and go back to high school algebra ~ 24 + X = 47. Since we know 2 of the values, it is easy (depending on your affinity for math) to figure out the 3rd value, the unknown: X = 23. Who says algebra was useless? We can apply this […]

It Was Working So Well I Stopped Doing It

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Imagine getting into really good shape and then stopping your workouts because you are already in shape. That would be pretty ridiculous. And yet, people do this all the time in other areas of their lives. Things are working so well that they stop doing the things that got them there in the first place. […]

Are You Refueling Or Running On Empty? Tues -7/29

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Are You Refueling Or Running On Empty? Most people are not very good at acknowledging (much less celebrating) progress. When we fail to do this, we deprive ourselves of fuel – excitement, enthusiasm, self-confidence, feelings of well-being, happiness. When we lack fuel, we feel tired and burned out. Inspired action and a positive attitude become […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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