Awesome Imaginary Friend I was recently talking with a client whose business partnership had ended. The thing he missed most about the partnership was the conversations they had about the business that would get him pumped up. I immediately saw an image of him talking to himself, or to an imaginary friend, and having those […]
Genuine curiosity
Genuine curiosity I was part of a discussion today about how to stay top-of-mind with your clients and prospects. Then I had a flashback to a comic I saw a long time ago. The seasoned sales man was mentoring the new guy. He said, “the secret to sales is to be genuinely curious about your […]
I must make things happen!
I must make things happen! Einstein said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” But, many people live under an “I have to make things happen” orientation. This tends to produce stress, isolation, pressure and often leads to sadness, discouragement, and apathy. The “I have […]
Meaning vs Victim
Meaning vs Victim In his famous book, Man’s Search For Meaning, Viktor Frankl talks about how vital it is for our lives to have meaning. Without meaning or purpose we don’t have anything to life for. My mom is skinny, walks every day, and eats healthy – and, she had a stroke last week. Now […]
Ego test
True and Truth
Yeah but – how am I going to do that?
Getting indignant
Getting indignant If I started spreading nasty lies about you every chance I got, you’d probably get upset with me, get mad at me, and even get indignant about how I dare to do that. So how come we tolerate that little voice that is spreading nasty lies about ourselves to ourselves. What if we […]
Discomfort = the price of your ticket
Discomfort = the price of your ticket Average performers run away from discomfort. Above average performers take action in the face of discomfort. So, for most people, the work to be done is to start to embrace discomfort – to start to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If mediocrity is the goal then we don’t […]