10 out of 10 would agree 10 out of 10 people would agree that what that person did was not okay – or at least that was what I was telling myself. But, would all 10 really agree that what this person did was inappropriate? I didn’t actually survey anybody. I just made it up […]
How quickly can we get unhooked?
Relax and breathe
Relax and Breathe My flight yesterday was delayed by 1 hour because they closed the door and took the jetway away while there was still a maintenance employee on the plane. Consequently, I missed my connecting flight. The flight from LA to Tokyo was 12 hours so I had plenty of time to wonder if […]
Straw that broke the camel’s back
Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back The best way to prevent a single straw from breaking the camel’s back is to lighten the load far before the camel’s breaking point. Another analogy along the same lines – if my cup is full to the brim, one more drop will cause overflow. But if I’ve emptied […]
The confusion about forgiveness
The Confusion About Forgiveness Forgiveness is a huge thing for our peace of mind, our quality of life, our happiness, and our capacity to be blessed. However, people often have a hard time forgiving. This is because of a fundamental misunderstanding about what it means to forgive. Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves not […]
Hard Choices
Hard choices We frequently mistakenly think that situations and circumstances determine our responses. “That thing happened so therefore, I must be angry, or hurt, or upset.” But, there are no mandatory responses. We can always choose something different, something that is more in alignment with who we want to be and how we want to […]