Awesome Imaginary Friend I was recently talking with a client whose business partnership had ended. The thing he missed most about the partnership was the conversations they had about the business that would get him pumped up. I immediately saw an image of him talking to himself, or to an imaginary friend, and having those […]
Disappointment and what is next
Disappointment and what is next Sooner or later, we are going to experience disappointment. Maybe you didn’t get the Christmas present that you wanted. Maybe your sure-fire prospect said “no”. Maybe something did not go at all the way you expected and hoped that it would. It could be over a big thing or over […]
How to know when you have arrived
How to know when you have arrived You will know that you have arrived when they lower your coffin into the ground. Until then, there’s always up from here. There’s always more path to journey. There are greater levels of happiness, contribution, and success than where we are now. We can always become better people, […]
More rewarding
More rewarding It is a thousand times more rewarding to catch someone than it is to trip someone. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission […]
A kind word
A kind word It doesn’t take much extra effort to be kind and friendly. We are in Manhattan for Thanksgiving. So, I’ve had many chances to interact with complete strangers – stewardesses, Uber drivers, bagel shop employees, Classic Harbor Line employees, strangers, grocery store employees and . . . It is very rare to find […]
Two sentence life strategy
Two sentence life strategy Be kind! Be grateful! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to do better and to live better. Thanks! […]
Meaning vs Victim
Meaning vs Victim In his famous book, Man’s Search For Meaning, Viktor Frankl talks about how vital it is for our lives to have meaning. Without meaning or purpose we don’t have anything to life for. My mom is skinny, walks every day, and eats healthy – and, she had a stroke last week. Now […]
Stabbed by darkness
Stabbed by darkness Imagine a cartoony sort of image where a dark character stabs someone and then a beam of bright light comes out of that hole. The dark character stabs again and another beam of light comes out. This happens a few more times until the dark character is blinded by the light and […]