Renewing of our minds Imagine someone praying for a miraculous healing of their diabetes while continuing to eat a pound of sugar every day. That just doesn’t make much sense. But metaphorically, this is often what people are doing. They want change. They want things to be different. They want improvement. But, they are not […]
Son or daughter of the king
Son or daughter of the king Imagine that you were the son or daughter of the king in olden days – a much loved king. You’d move through life with a certain confidence and assurance, with grace and strength. You wouldn’t hesitate to ask for what you want. (All this in a kind and graceful […]
What’s worth changing for?
What’s worth changing for? Change, in the short term, tends to bring uncertainty, unfamiliarity, and discomfort. There are parts of our brain that do not want us to change because those parts see change as a threat to safety. This can make change undesirable and or challenging. However, creating better lives and greater success requires […]
Making Joy a Priority!
Making Joy a Priority! So often we get caught in the trap of making suffering, or worrying, or anger, or something like that our priority. What if instead, we consistently made joy our priority? Any moment we don’t live in joy is a missed opportunity. It is also a choice that we make ~ regardless […]
More rewarding
More rewarding It is a thousand times more rewarding to catch someone than it is to trip someone. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission […]
Fear of missing out
Meaning vs Victim
Meaning vs Victim In his famous book, Man’s Search For Meaning, Viktor Frankl talks about how vital it is for our lives to have meaning. Without meaning or purpose we don’t have anything to life for. My mom is skinny, walks every day, and eats healthy – and, she had a stroke last week. Now […]
Logic vs love
Logic vs love People are seldom logiced into change. People are often loved into change. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to […]
We were created to . . .
We were created to . . . We were created to love, not to defend ourselves. Life is so much better when we live this way rather than caught up in a petty little ball of misery making it “all about me”. Love is always the appropriate response. Hate, harsh judgment, disapproval, and the like […]