No curses accepted here

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No Curses Accepted Here People are cursing each other all the time and don’t even realize it. When we hear something like ~ “You cannot do that” or “That doesn’t happen to people like us” or “It isn’t going to work” or letting us know that there’s something wrong with us or . . . […]

Hard Choices

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Hard choices We frequently mistakenly think that situations and circumstances determine our responses. “That thing happened so therefore, I must be angry, or hurt, or upset.” But, there are no mandatory responses. We can always choose something different, something that is more in alignment with who we want to be and how we want to […]

A deeper understanding of receiving

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A deeper understanding of receiving Yes, it is very important to develop our ability to receive and to let go of the head trash that prevents us from receiving. However, a lot of times the word “receive” has a passive quality to it and even a powerless quality of having to wait for someone else […]

Powerful choosing- we always have a choice

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Powerful choosing –  we always have a choice  Sometimes circumstances make it seem like we don’t have a choice, but we always do. In those times where the consequence of the one choice is too severe to even consider (which makes it seem like we have no choice), then we still have a choice about […]

Warrior or rebellious teenager

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Warrior or rebellious teenager  All too often the rebellious teenager shows up instead of the freedom warrior. The rebellious teenager says, “I don’t feel like it” and “You cannot make me.” The rebellious teenager resists structure, routine, discipline, and commitment – just on general principles. The warrior says, “I’m doing it anyway because it is […]

Human Sponges – what are you absorbing?

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Human Sponges – what are you absorbing?  Sponges are not selective. A sponge will absorb pure mountain spring water. A sponge will also absorb raw sewage. Sponges absorb what they contact. Not always, but frequently, that’s the case with us too. We absorb what we contact. So, what kind of environments are we putting ourselves […]

We are all schizophrenic

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We are all schizophrenic  We have two different brains. One brain is all about safety and survival and tells us that anything that is unfamiliar, uncertain, or unknown is dangerous or even life threatening and that we should run away as fast as we can. The other brain is concerned with change, growth, expansion, and […]

Well-wishing vs support

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Well-wishing vs support  There’s a huge difference between wishing someone well and actively and intentionally supporting that person. When we are willing to inconvenience ourselves, when we are willing to go that extra mile, when we are willing to spend some of our precious time on another person – then our ability to really contribute […]

Can we be happy when things don’t turn out the way we want them to?

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Can we be happy when things don’t turn out the way we want them to?  The answer to that is YES! Happiness isn’t dependent on external circumstances. It is a choice we make independent of the circumstances (regardless of the severity of the circumstance). We have the ability to be happy when circumstances say that […]

Up not through

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Up not through  Einstein said that a problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness which the problem was created. We have to raise our consciousness in order to be bigger than the problem. It isn’t about battering through the obstacles, it is about raising ourselves up so that the obstacle no longer […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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