Crazy Paralyzed

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Crazy Paralyzed We’ve all had those experiences where we know there’s something that we should do and for the life of us we cannot bring ourselves to do it. It is like an alien took over our brain or something crazy like that. The thing to remember in these situations is that there is a […]

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Either / Or Thinking I’ve run into either/or thinking quite a bit lately. Either I can have this or that but certainly not both. For example: I can build my business or have a great marriage and family life. Who says that you cannot have both? Whoever it is, they are lying. But this possibility […]

Looking in the mirror

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Looking in the mirror People often have opinions and criticisms. When those are directed at us, we simply need to take an honest look in the mirror. If I can look in the mirror and say, “I did my job” then I know that what the other person is saying is about him or herself, […]

The gravity of the status quo

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The gravity of the status quo When dealing with others (in sales and otherwise) we often forget that one of their options is to do nothing, to embrace the status quo. They don’t have to change, improve, seek a better solution, seek an answer, etc. Due to things like fear of change, comfort zones, disbelief […]

Shoveling snow with a tablespoon

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Shoveling snow with a tablespoon The next time that it snows (hopefully next winter), I could shovel my driveway with a tablespoon. I’d sure be busy and have a lot of action going on. I could also use a snow shovel. I would not be as busy for as long compared to using the tablespoon. […]

I have to make up for that

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I have to make up for that One of my volleyball team mate’s game goes to heck after he makes a couple of mistakes. He starts making silly mistakes. He starts trying to make plays on balls that aren’t his to make while not making the plays that are his to make. I’m pretty sure […]

Right or Happy

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Right or Happy Most people when asked whether they would rather be right or happy say that they would rather be happy. But most of the time, their behavior says just the opposite. Would it be possible to have a fight with your significant other (or anyone else for that matter) if you weren’t trying […]

The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity

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The Terrible Horrible Lie of Scarcity There is such a horrible lie of scarcity in our culture and in our world that does so much damage! The lie goes something like this: there’s only a limited amount so the more that I have, the less there is for others. This puts us into the bind […]

A little tug-of-war

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A little tug-of-war Hopefully you are doing business from a perspective of wanting to serve, contribute, and make others better off. However, sometimes that “what about me” creeps in. Will I get my fair share? Will I get my needs met? Etc. This sort of thinking is a really quick way to sabotage a beautiful […]


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Rejection Most people have a deep seated fear of rejection. And that rejection usually means: I don’t matter, I don’t belong, or I’m not enough. However, no one actually has the power to truly reject another person because rejection is just an opinion – not the truth. So when we experience rejection, we are actually […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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